Kansas City Mayor Q Doubles Street Fix Cash

Local streets are hot garbage after a brutal winter and few workers on the streets during the pandemic.

Today Mayor Q championed a pothole proposal as resident complaints reached a crescendo. 

Here's his statement the might compliment somewhat recent images of pothole fix posing . . .

"For generations, Kansas Citians have for too long had to deal with potholes and substandard road conditions. No more. I was proud to recommend and pass a budget that more than doubled our spending in road repair and resurfacing, saving Kansas Citians thousands at the repair shop and delivering my administration’s pledge to improve basic services. Be kind to our road crews that will be all spring and summer fixing the roads and rebuilding our neighborhood infrastructure."

Presser coverage . . . 

Fox4: Kansas City roadwork budget more than doubles with new repair plan

Deets . . .

Kansas City Public Works, City Manager Brian Platt and Mayor Quinton Lucas have unveiled a plan to inject $39 million into potholes across the city. That figure is more than double last year’s $17 million.

Highlights . . .

• Over 2,600 street segments will be improved this year. 

• 240 lane miles planned for resurfacing, compared to 135 lane miles last year. 

• 145 lane miles planned for micro-surfacing, compared to 19 lane miles last year. 

• 150 lane miles planned for crack sealing, compared to 130 lane miles last year. 

• Dedicated funding for each Council District to determine community priorities for street resurfacing.

Developing . . .


  1. And they will still be shit.

  2. ^^^^I agree

  3. I thought the BLM logos he had pained would fix the streets or maybe the BLMers appreciated this, so much, they would pitch in and help out. No? Say it ain’t so Quinton.

  4. First, any city that's managed even reasonably well has a street MAINTENANCE program which helps avoid deterioration and costly repairs.
    Second, if you've ever experienced KCMO streets AFTER what the public works gang defines as a "repair" you found that it's done so poorly that the street is as hard as your vehicle as before.
    Exhibit A?
    Cleaver II between Prospect and the VA Hospital.
    You can double or even triple a budget, but without serious supervision and accountability you get the same poor results.

  5. ^^^ those “repairs” were done by superior Bowen asphalt company, they are a legitimate company. I don’t know what ass hat hired them to do that poor a job but they need to be fired especially if it was spec’d that way.

    Somebody said it best the other day, it’s like riding a bucking bronco it’s so bad.

    And they used a roller on the repairs too.

  6. Fuck the fountains. Pay for the overpriced water we receive..

  7. Saw 4 good men leaning on their shovels off to a great start


  8. Really? But yet he can spend one hundred dollars a person for hotel stays and repairs for the damage.

  9. Annual fixing a “pothole” selfie done! NEXT!

  10. Old pic. Now he would be wearing his YOGA SHORTS to stay COOL..

    What a joke for a mayor, but hey, he's got lots of company in the dim shitties. Chicago for instance.

  11. As long as I get heroin, I don’t care at all about poholes. Heroin will be legalized within 10 years. When it is legal, all the cuntholes that complain about inconsequential bullshit will finally find serenity and peace. I have used heroin daily for about 30 years and have not become addicted yet.

  12. A two year old girl could lift that amount of asphalt that is in Lucas shovel.

  13. Finally a job Q-ball is qualified for.

  14. Yes, readonable street maintenance should be a spending priority, but it shouldn't take an additional $200m in federal cash to make it happen. The city is spending like a drunken sailor who found a wallet right now... hotels rooms for the homeless, tiny homes, doubled budget lines. The fed cash will be blown soon, and the City will be left with even more inflated budgets, still reduced tax coffers, and no rainy day money in the general fund to carry them through. It's flabergasting that our council has the financial literacy of a meth head with a stimulus check burning a hole in his pocket.


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