The Mexicans call God's payback: "Castigo de Dios" but I'm not here to play Pat Robertson.

However, I do watch a lot of TV and reruns of My Name Is Earl have me thinking a lot about Karma.

Let's just look at the scorecard:

So many folks in this nation have espoused a horribly, racially motivated, insensitive and unconstitutional effort to take our their paranoia and personal failing out on the undocumented.

In Nebraska, there is a simple cause and effect: Hate against the Undocumented will cost the town in court and property taxes and other municipal fees could rise.

CSM: Immigration debate: fight brewing between ACLU and Nebraska town

WSJ: Small Nebraska Town Throws Itself Into Immigration Fight

Also, given that the largest man-made global environmental disaster in human history is currently taking place off the coast of the United States . . . Focusing on the persecution of undocumented workers reveals a stunning lack of focus.

So, maybe the "karma" for beating up on brown people really just reflects the consequences of misplaced priorities.

Then again, recently The Kansas City Council And Mayor stood up to Arizona hate and good things have happened for this town as late. Kansas City avoided the horrible consequences of a complete Big 12 collapse and the MLB All-Star game is coming to town in 2012 - A date predicted by the Mayans to bring an end to the old world. It should be noted that both corporate events capitalize on reaching new markets and providing entertainment to a growing number of people no matter what their cultural persuasion . . . Meanwhile, haters of the undocumented want the world to revert back to 1952 . . . Which just ain't gonna happen.

So, maybe the more accurate truism is that "we reap what we sow" which few people would argue with . . . Then again, it's hard to believe that persecution of nonviolent undocumented brown people can be good for the soul of so many haters or the United States.


  1. good stuff T.

  2. I do not hate any racial or ethnic group. I do not hate immigrants. I do not hate or wish any mistreatment of illegal aliens.

    However, I do want our borders secured and the laws of the U.S. enforced.

  3. The Cato Institute, a conservative think tank, just laid the smack down on nativist republicans. They found that bills like SB1070 do not secure our border, do not improve the fight against illegal immigration and when compared to Comprehensive Immigration Reform will cost our country over $285 billion dollars, actually cause a decrease in jobs, destroy state economies and the housing market.

    They also found that the Jan Brewer calls against illegal immigrants as terrorists and criminals is unfounded when compared to "even the most basic data."



  4. Love it when you're at your douche-ist.

    You make no sense, but we love your stupid shit anyway.

  5. tony-parkville6/23/10, 5:19 PM

    give it up TKC. if you weren't of Mexican heritage, you'd be just like the 70% of Americans who want the laws upheld. please acknowledge that you can't be objective.

  6. A very loose argument based on the Socratic Method in combination with red herring-current events and superstitions.


  7. The Cato Institute, a conservative think tank, completely debunked laws like SB1070 and Nebraska's anti-latino laws not to mention the tax arguement, the crime arguement and the jobs arguement.

    Social Security and the IRS testified before Congress in 2006 completely debunking nativist republicans claims to no taxes being paid.

    Republicans are officially just grandstanding for votes. How can you argue with your own think tank and Social Security and IRS facts?

    These laws are stupid and do nothing to secure the border,help the economy and make our country safer. Zero. Nothing.

  8. KCMO..MO Highway Patrol should pull over Kris Kobach everyday when he goes to work at UMKC School of Law. And the make Kobach prove he is US Citizen and detain him if the cannot.
    I cannot believe MO TAX dollars support the hate being spewed by UMKC School of Law.

  9. I for one wouldn't want to go back to 1952 but if we went back to 1954 that'd be ok.

  10. I for one don't want to go back to 1952 but 1954 would be OK.

  11. I for one don't want to go back to 1952 but 1954 would be OK.

  12. "Undocumented" is the sugar coated way of saying "broke the law the second they entered the country without following any of the laws."

  13. Welcome to the land of Mexicans and Indians. So, how long are you staying...
    We were here when you were THERE.

  14. Oh.. and take gloria with you when you leave.

  15. The issue isn't whether they pay any taxes, the issue is whether they are a drain on society financially because they don't pay enough taxes to offset their health care, cost of education and incarceration.

    Moreover people who work minimum wage can't live in society and pull their weight. Just their health care costs are offset by their entire wages. And people who earn even LESS are just a drain on society.

    Either they join society, become above ground instead of underground and are paid fairly so to be taxed properly and get insurance, etc etc, or they need to leave and go back to Mexico where there obviously IS no health care and IS no education.

    We just can't afford millions more destitute people coming in here with no chance of raising themselves up and joining the soceity that we have to pay for.

    Moreover, we can't afford 12 million people who would live in their mom's basements, assuming their moms HAVE basements, which they DON'T!

    Tony empathizes with the illegals because he doesn't pull his weight either!

  16. I agree why is UMKC School of Law wasting our taxpayer money employing Kris Kobach. It appears he is a drag on the UMKC School of Law and has found enough towns, clients, to hate Mexicans. So why does UMKC School of Law feel compelled to keep this hate monger on staff..Kobach charges $300 dollars an hour for his work.

  17. From Association of American Law Schools:

    Hating Latinos, seeing Illegals Vote in Kansas, can't keep the books as Kansas Republican Party Chair...Kris Kobach meet those Standars or maybe these standards don't apply to UMKC School of Law:

    Law professors’ responsibilities extend beyond the classroom to include out of class associations with students and other professional activities. Members of the law teaching profession should have a strong sense of the special obligations that attach to their calling. They should recognize their responsibility to serve others and not be limited to pursuit of self interest. This general aspiration cannot be achieved by edict, for moral integrity and dedication to the welfare of others cannot be legislated. Nevertheless, a public statement of good practices concerning ethical and professional responsibility can enlighten newcomers and remind experienced teachers about the basic ethical and professional tenets-the ethos-of their profession.

  18. how many of these comments were written by TKC, do you suppose?

  19. It does my heart good to know that so many Americans are fanatical observers of the law. Free people ignore unjust laws. Think about that the next time you smoke a joint.

    I'm tired of hearing about how Tony lives with his mother. If he abandoned her, would that prove that he was a man? In this economy almost no one can support themselves enough to live alone. Most people don't want to live alone, anyway. Most people want to live with whatever family they have.

  20. You people read way too much fucking blogs.

  21. Anon 12:33 PM

    ... too many ... is correct.

    When are you people going to learn to write English?

  22. Byron, He'll learn English when you move to Mexico and quit with your inane comments. Welcome to the internet -- where if you have nothing intelligent to say, you criticize one's grammar.

  23. Ok Radioman clearly doesn't know what the F he like every other anti-immigrant activist is talking about and is just spitting out random bs.

    First, "they need to leave and go back to Mexico where there obviously IS no health care and IS no education."

    Mexico has a national health care system which many hospitals host doctors from UNAM which is one of the world's best medical programs as well as US Doctors.

    If you don't like that system and/or you want additional coverage you can buy health insurance which costs around 50 bucks a month and gives you full coverage at hospital chains like Hospital Angeles, Hospital Espanol and the American British Cowdray Hospitals which only hire doctors who have medical degrees from the world's best universities. Almost all of them have studied and did their rotations or have years of experience in The US's best hospitals.

    Education- Mexican citizens receive free education K-Grad School. The UNAM is a great university among the world's top 100 universities year after year. IPN- The Nationa Polytech Institute has one of the world's best engineering programs. Private universities like Monterrey Tech are also available and are excellent universities which include professors from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Thunderbird, MIT, Cal-Berkley and UT-Austin among others.

    Taxes- The IRS and a number of educational institutions have proven and testified before Congress that undocumented workers do pay taxes and contribute to the economy.

    In 2006, the IRS told Congress that undocumented residents, utilizing the ITIN system, have been reporting tax liability to the tune of almost $50 billion from 1996 to 2003. During the same period $41.4 billion was paid to Social Security and Medicare.

    The IRS also confirmed to the USA today that $90 billion from 2000-2008 were paid. If you take the same increase on Social Security and Medicare you get almost $80 billion more. That's just federal taxes.

    Middle Tennessee State University calculated in 2006 that illegal immigrants contributed $428 billion dollars to the nation's $13.6 trillion gross domestic product and that today the number is well over $600 billion.

    Beyond federal taxes, all illegals automatically pay state sales taxes that contribute toward the upkeep of public facilities such as roads that they use, and property taxes through their rent that contribute toward the schooling of their children.

    The Cato Institute, the premier conservative think tank, not only found that immigrants pay more than what they use in services, they also found that the crime and terrorist arguement was false and that immigrants regardless of status cause a net gain in jobs, taxes and GDP. Because of that Cato supports comprehensive immigration reform as it has found time and time again that it is a better solution than the current gop proposed solutions, like SB1070, which will cost the country a net loss of over 280 billion dollars.

    If tax liability is your excuse then how about you support comprehensive immigration reform whichs bring these men and women into society legally and in the meantime you help promote the ITIN tax system in your area?

  24. Radioman got smacked down!

  25. If Tony ever has a daughter, I hope she marries a Norwegian!

  26. In Mexico, the top leaders all look more European than Indian. Ever notice that?

  27. In Mexico, the top leaders all look more European than Indian. Ever notice that?

  28. Anon 8:32 AM

    It was sarcasm.

    'Give me what I want & I will go away.'

  29. Anon 1:50 that could have something to do with the enormous immigrant influence from Europe, US, Israel, Argentina and Lebanon. But if you go to government offices, I assure you that you will see people of all sizes and skin color.


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