Missouri Hates Kansas City & Vice Versa: Police Funding Vote Preview

Thanks to the brain trust at 12th & Oak poking the Good 'Ol Boy clan in Jeff City . . . Locals are going to get a quick peek at how little power municipal government really holds. 

A future annoyance to look forward to . . . Local politicos who earn EPIC salaries and have degrees from Ivy League institutions will, again, claim that they're persecuted because Missouri taxpayers also want a say in the law enforcement decisions they help to fund. 

Even worse . . .

For the next few weeks some of us might pretend to pay attention when cowtown pundits & elected officials attempt to explain the Missouri constitution. 

It will all conclude predictably enough according to early polling . . .

GOP-dominated voters should enjoy sticking it to KCMO and the sketchy, repeated efforts to DEFUND Kansas City Police will likely be pushed back yet again.

Here's an overview the pretends to not already know the outcome of this vote . . .

"The ballot measure follows a bill passed by the Missouri legislature in 2022 raising Kansas City’s minimum payment for police from 20% of general revenue to 25%. However, the Missouri Constitution currently restricts Missouri lawmakers from imposing unfunded mandates on local governments. This amendment would provide an exception to that constitutional provision."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

FAQ: Missouri's police funding ballot measure and why it matters for Kansas City

Voters across Missouri are being asked to weigh in this November on a measure that specifically targets how much Kansas City spends on its police. Amendment 4 would give Missouri lawmakers more power over Kansas City's police budget, by requiring the city to increase its minimum general fund spending for police through December 2026.
