Westport 2021 Gun Checkpoints FAIL Against Kansas City Gunfire!!!

Or, more dramatically . . .


To be fair, party district insiders didn't really like this bit of security theater because city hall mandated expensive "diversity monitors" as part of the effort. 

Even worse . . . The performance art didn't really prevent violence. Example: A triple shooting in August proved that gunmen could easily outmaneuver checkpoints and target victims

Accordingly . . .  

Very much like the American border . . . The Westport wall won't be guarded and people are mostly on their own when it comes to protecting themselves. 

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Westport ending enhanced security screenings for 2021 due to lack of security employees

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- Westport's enhanced security screening program has ended for the year after their security company struggled to hire enough screeners. According to a press release, Chesley Brown International was not able to hire enough screeners to continue to preform security checks at Westport.

Westport security screenings ending early this year due to worker shortage

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Westport neighborhood in Kansas City typically closes portions of its streets to vehicles as it welcomes pedestrians for night-life on Fridays and Saturdays. In the past, that has included security screenings. The screenings typically end during the colder months, but this year the screenings will end early due to staffing shortages.
