Kansas City Awards Anonymous Homeless Advocates MILLIONS!!!

Consider this a preview . . .

Already we've noted that some members of council are on record with objections against approving more cash for the homeless given that one of the myriad of social service agencies involved in distributing the funds don't have an IRS certification for their non-profit.

Meanwhile locals continue to complain that "homeless advocates" have provided city hall "a bogus phone number and address" and haven't been up front with neighborhood leaders.

For better or worse, none of these complaints stopped city hall from approving MILLIONS more in funding today . . .

Notice the line about "private entities' helping manage this cash . . .

Kansas City, Missouri, adopts ordinance aimed at helping people experiencing homelessness

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Kansas City, Missouri, City Council unanimously passed an ordinance Thursday that aims to help people experiencing homelessness. The measure allocates $2.5 million to increase beds and services at shelters, as well to allow private entities to contract with the city to help those without a home.
