Behind the scenes there are more troubling deets emerging from Kansas City's ongoing homeless motel housing experiment.

There are so many problems with this situation we're forced to add up a few growing concerns . . . Check-it . . .

One of the groups running this hotel project has no IRS certification, so they're  not really a non profit yet.

This is troubling for a lot of reasons but mostly because there has been a dearth of financial accountability for this project and voters weren't allowed to testify about this sketchy city hall priority. 

Council demands itemized bill for hotel damages that hasn't yet appeared. 

Again, this leads back to some HORRIFIC ACCOUNTING PRACTICES and complaints from vendors about secretive and sketchy 12th & Oak reporting standards. 

J.E. Dunn Threatens City Hall Behind The Scenes

The new hobo village was slated right across from Dunn property and this has one of Kansas City's biggest and baddest local construction firms fighting mad. 

Discussions are quickly moving back and forth whilst 12th & Oak hopes that public sentiment will save them from insider push back . . . The only thing we know for sure is that more downtown denizens are now openly arguing against homeless village plans that are still moving forward. 

There's more to unpack but the main point is that homeless motels and housing plans have alienated city hall from the biz community downtown and the divide is worsening.

Developing . . .
