After an EPIC 40-year career, Kansas City weather dude Mike Thompson is calling it quits.

He has been with Fox4 since 1992 and will be leaving on December 21st.

Update, here's his social media statement:

"At some point in everyone's life, you reach a point where you are faced with a tough decision. I've been blessed to have been on the air for just shy of 40 years, 27 of them spent here at FOX4, but I have decided to conclude my television career on December 21st. I am reading all of your wonderful responses to my announcement. They all mean so much to me, and I appreciate every one. I still have a couple of weeks on the air, and I will savor each opportunity to inform and entertain a little bit on the way. This is not a goodbye...nor a real retirement. Just a new beginning for me...and my wife who is in a state of panic since I'll be home in the evening for the first time in years. I sure hope she doesn't go crazy with me hogging the TV remote! :-) Thank you all so much for being a part of my life for so many years!" ~Mike

Most plebs think of the weather dude as a kindly soul who tells jokes with anchors and reassures locals regarding the forecast.

The reality is that he's also a bit of a culture warrior . ..

Remember back in 2008 he compared advocates of global warming to Hitler in a controversial online tirade that his station worked diligently to try and wipe from the Internets.

And then, the the Pitch confirms his Hitler juxtaposition AND offers a perspective on Thompson's church chat argument on the idea that God designed the planet in such a way that it prevents us from doing any harm, no matter what: "God created a resilient earth," reads the newsletter account of his presentation. "(Thompson) stated that to keep earth's balance, God designed it to sustain us and feels there is evidence to support this view."

Meanwhile, and NASA seem to disagree about climate challenges.

NASA - Scientific consensus: Earth's climate is warming

Nevertheless, there's no denying this weather news dude enjoyed a remarkable career that deserves more than a bit of consideration along with the fate of the planet.

Developing . . .


  1. Happy retirement Mike. Hoping that the newspaper treats you better than bloggers or social media commentators!.

    1. Class act all the way. One of Kc's best resources and a broadcaster who didn't give into the panic and celebrity enjoyed by others.

    2. At least the guy lives here and set up roots. Most of the weather people and the news anchors just pick up stakes every 2 years and pass through KC like vagrant tramps.

      Congratulations on a great career Mike!

  2. Easier to watch than most of the weather goofballs. Glad to see a weather person believe in something besides their ratings.

  3. ^^^^^^^^^ Agree.

    But I am hoping his replacement is hot. Too many old dudes doing the weather. There needs to be more shake in the evening forecast. Keep it entertaining.

  4. Okay children, grow up.

    This is probably related to the buyouts from the recent takeover. Expect more Fox4 news people to drop off of the radar.

  5. Thank you for working for KC Mike, you are one of the best forecasters around and I have really enjoyed watching you. I think you were always more accurate than most!

  6. Dude has a temper. I bet he can rain down some lightning bolts when he's pissed.

  7. I



  8. So, another weather legend hangs up his spurs. Wish the guy well. From the comments that Iv'e seen. He seems like a very nice person. I noticed that he did a lot of work for charity and always helped organize local events to help causes for medical programs helping children. He is a class act and it's obvious he cares about his community.

  9. Lezak is the last man standing!

  10. ^^^^^ I think you're mistaking a stand for a curtsey. And he's on a different station chumply.

  11. Always my go to weather guy. Doesn't exaggerate, somewhat casual and always with a warm smile. Lots of humor. I'll miss him.

  12. God created earth and humans are disrespecting His creation.
    “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
    8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
    or let the fish in the sea inform you.
    9 Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
    10 In his hand is the life of every creature
    and the breath of all mankind.


  13. Job 7-10
    only quote i know
    altho ya know what Job was about.

  14. Mike is a good dude. Personally I, like his style and think that he was one of the best local weathermen that we've had in the past 20 years. And think about this he might have a point about all of this Global Climate garbage in the end. Thanks for helping Kansas City with the weather Mike!

  15. let's start by watching how resilient the gulf dead zone is.

  16. maybe there will be a thriving fishing industry again in the resilient dead great lakes

  17. 'climate change' is a corporate environmental narrative that still perpetuates superfund sites.

  18. You can wear shorts tomorrow in December. Thank you God! And bless you Mike!

  19. Hayseed needed to go. Worst forecaster and got away with it with his country bumpkin smirk and upside down smile. Too much phoniness over the years. Aw shucks, missed another one. They keep paying me, so I'll keep throwing darts. Till now.

  20. More titays on the weather. That is my request. TKC knows I'm right. Titays forecast is a MUST!

  21. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. Tattle tail snitch. When the staff talked about joining the union, "aw shucks" Mike played the part of informant to tell management who was loyal and who was a traitor. He delivered the threats from corporate to scare people away from joining the union.

    I hope his removal was cost cutting from new management. Poetic justice.

  22. End of an era for FOX 4. Now Karli Ritter can look pretty good let’s see more of her. Joe Lauria is a good met, but he doesn’t look good in knee high boots and a skirt.

  23. It is funny in these politically correct days of protected classes that it is still open game on people from rural areas. Rednecks, trailer trash, hicks, or hayseeds. Nobody complains when you use these words, even the people in question. It is a way of dismissing them, and their opinions as simple.
    These people are the backbone of Trump's support.

    To call Thompson a hick is to belittle his forecasts and opinions. But that urban hubris comes at a cost. Thompson is the guy who got it right about climate science, and it took way more courage to voice his views than all of that virtue signalling on the socialist left.

    The media does not want to cover the fact that the riots in France were due in large to increased fuel taxes to curb global warming.

    The Maunder Minimum (look it up, neckbeards) is upon us. Temperatures have been FALLING for at least a decade. I know many people won't believe it because of the manipulation of the "hide the decline" guys in fake labcoats like Bill Nye. But nonetheless it is TRUE. Yes, Virginia, it is the SUN that has the most influence on climate. Duh.

    Having anyone on TV tell it like he sees it is rare as hen's teeth. The fact that he is the Weather guy makes it even more unique.

    Vaya con Dios, Mike Thompson, you have fought the good fight.

  24. I’m interested to see what kind of ratings Karli Ritter could get if she dressed like a slut, dress cut low right to the top of her nipple on her tits and so short it barely reaches the top of her thigh high hose. No brassiere and no panties.

    1. ^^ if watch that all day long.

  25. 5:48 Well said.

    Climate Change is a hoax. Temps are falling.

    Take a look at France right now and see the unrest that Globalist, Climate Change idiots inflict on the populace. Gas at 7.06 a gallon to pay for Green Energy when we are awash in oil.

    The Legacy Media says, again and again, and I quote, riots in France are due to rising fuel costs. What a crock. Oil is hovering around $50.00 a barrel and there is more discovered every day. THERE IS NO PEAK OIL.

    Al Gore is a liar as are most all Liberals.

    The riots are the direct result of idiot-elites in government who think they can, with a "Pen and Phone" fix everything with more Government interdiction, legislation, taxes and control over your life, speech, thoughts and actions.

  26. Mike

  27. Karli has been seen in jet skirts. The kind where one can see the cockpit.

  28. Jump ship before the sale of the station.

    Makes sense.

  29. Mike

    Best weather dude since Dan Henry.

  30. Enjoyed Mike's weather broadcasts. They were pretty much drama free, unlike Gary Lezak's and Katy Horner's.

    As for his views on climate change, who cares? He may be right; he may be wrong. Either way, it didn't affect his broadcasts.

  31. Now he can open a Google account, choose a blogger template, add a captcha and be a blogger.

  32. Isn’t this a result of the station being sold off? I bet all the older newsies will be “retiring” soon


    Temps are dropping, we need to burn more oil, buy more SUVs and start more forest fires.

  34. I use to watch him on a regular basis until he explained his views on climate probably 10 to 15 years ago. From that point on, I never turned to that channel again. Hey it was cold last night. How can there be global warming???

  35. By the way, Al Gore, who flies in a private jet and owns a $9,000,000.00 million dollar mansion in Mendocino California has a carbon footprint of a galactic Greek Zeus type god. The mansion is right on the coast, so I guess AL isn't REALLY worried about rising sea waters that will submerge his house under the ocean, or, the tears of his supporters who must find his actions the epitome of hypocrisy.

    Oh, that's right, Democrats can do anything as long as they stick to the "Narrative".

  36. ^^^Preach it Chuck. Al owns more than that one house. The one he has in Tennessee uses more energy to heat his pool than the average American family uses in a year.

    1. Al gore got really rich off the sale of a network to some Saudi princes. I can't remember the network name ... Anyway he's richer than Mitt Romney, which must sting Mitt to the marrow.


  37. Fox is evolving so we'll hear more about chemicals in frying pans and fast food packaging shrinking our penises, and less lousy weather forecasting.

  38. Idiots listen and watch idiots. Let them wallow in their hateful propaganda and blame others for their crappy lives...

  39. Not a fan of either guy but I lost some respect for Mike after Lezek left 4 for 41 and then got his cancer and went totally bald. Right after that I watched Mike on 2 separate nights make a remark to whoever was the news anchor that night and said basically "How's my hair look tonight?" Never heard him say it again. Maybe coincidence but I think not.

  40. ^^^^^^^^
    Wow 7:52, you mean like your hateful blog, and I sure don't see anyone here who is talking or blaming someone else for their crappy life. GET HELP Pretty sure you need it!!!!!

    I wish Mike Thompson the best! We will miss him.

  41. I remember one night back when my wife was hooked on american idol and Mike T had wall to wall coverage of some rain sprinkles somewhere in Northern Mo or Southern Iowa. She flipped out and never watched him again.

  42. ^^^^^^^^^^ She made the right choice.

  43. I see a lot of people talking about this today, proof we really do live in a cow town. The weather guy hangs it up and people go crazy.

  44. Some of the comments here are correct. They need to bring in another hot chick. Make it super obvious with extra large cans. Do it!

  45. Why retire? Didn't Larry Moore stay on until he was like in his 90s. No reason to hang it up in KC if you're a man. Go for the gold. One of these days we'll have a 100 year old newscaster. Mark Alford is well on his way.

  46. Global warming is real.

    But it's caused by cow farts and not people.

    Think about it.

  47. I've told you as much12/5/18, 9:55 AM

    This is the kind of coverage I want to see from my newspaper, snarky shit taking a poop on a man's career. Luv it.

  48. The days when Americans mind their business and shut the fuck up are long gone. “By god I have an opinion”, never mind you should only speak up when it’s time to vote cause otherwise it is useless. Now this global warming thing...pick up your trash, be socially responsible, don’t buy what you don’t need, if for any reason to save you money dolts. Fucking hell!

  49. As a weather man he was okay much better than many others were. Mike replaced Dan Henry at 4 after serving his non compete time from being on KCTV 5. Funny how 4 use to tease the audience by showing hints of Mike in the studio before he was suppose to be on the air. As for the global warming crap he is allowed to have his view the same as the next person. Before man came along this planet was one huge ass ball of hot gas. Now that man is here it is one huge ass planet full of men with gas and no common sense.

  50. 11:52 nailed it early!

    Just yesterday I believe, TKC posted about Fox4 being acquired by new ownership.

    "Nexstar to Acquire Tribune Media for $4.1 Billion"

    That means if you work at Fox4, you're not young, attractive, or particularly popular, your head may be on the chopping block.

    Corporate media kills their own.

  51. 10:40---Let's hope that egotistical twerp, cant read a teleprompter twit Mark A;ford is next.

  52. Does Cheryl Jones perhaps have a daughter? Or maybe granddaughter? If so, please replace Mike with her.

  53. I vote give his job to Michelle Bogowith.

  54. Mike should have done us a favor and made a pact with Don Harman back in 2011.

    Go out with a bang, not a whimper.

  55. 4:58---That's sick you need some serious mental health help ASAP.

  56. Global warming - first religion that communists worldwide can get behind. Transfer of wealth to bring down the west.

    The concept is as perverse as Lezak’s love life.


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