Yael Demands The Last Word Regarding 'Obama Mask' Rodeo Clown Controversy

Gateway Pundit has a blog that's more popular that newspapers on both sides of Missouri and his highlight of G.W. Bush Rodeo parody was a nice response to so much angst from Dead Tree Media pundits.

Meanwhile, it's clear to see that newspaper columnist Yael Abouhalkah is quickly getting frustrated with so much pushback on his rodeo clown outrage as he makes a silly pronouncement to count much more popular opinion:

Stop the inane George H.W. Bush rodeo clown outrage

And then, of course comments are locked down and preempt any dissent . . . And THAT is the way Dead Tree Media followed the dinosaurs into history.

Developing . . .


  1. Still don't understand the "outrage". Obama IS a fucking clown and everybody knows it.

  2. Are we living in North fuckin Korea? Yael, another liberal acolyte-lemming hanging off the ball sacks of the closest Democratic Politician in anticipation of his next treat is a perfect example of a media so corrupt, so idealogically weaponized as to support criminal charges for a rodeo clown who in not in lock step with the liberal narrative, and, worse has the temerity to show it.

    This is surreal - a frightening illustration of excessive ideological worship of a politician, as well as an object lesson in how to destroy a political opposition by threats and outright intimidation.

    The skit by a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair last weekend has exploded into full blown leftist hysteria. Even the announcer at the rodeo is under attack.

    It bears repeating; clowning is performance art. Artistic expression is protected by the US Constitution. It was bad taste to have a bull threatening the president, but how it can be construed as racist is beyond belief.

    President Obama is fair game. No one was threatening his life. Depictions of him being chased by a bull is not the same as threatening his personal safety. To conflate a performance of a clown with any kind of assassination threat is too absurd for serious people to speak about. And yet the NAACP wants DoJ and the Secret Service to investigate the matter.

    If the NAACP had been one tenth as outraged by a film depicting the assassination of President Bush, or hanging Bush in effigy at dozens of rallies around the country, or bloggers openly wishing Bush were dead - they might have a leg to stand on when criticizing the clown. But they didn't so they don't.

    There isn't even an acknowledgment that this is a free speech issue. Just the painfully twisted logic and deliberate ginning up of outrage to make this incident into a racial attack, thus discrediting any criticism of Obama at all.

    It is sickening."

  3. Yael's revealing money line....

    "the nation's first black president was ridiculed before a guffawing audience"

    we can't ridicule this president because he is black. That's it in a nutshell.

  4. This is dead on the money.

    "If you are demanding that a rodeo clown be thrown into the dungeons for mocking the King, don't pretend you support a free country."

    Steve Stockman.

    Fuck the National Association Against White People, fuck Eric Holder and fuck Yael with Michael Brook's man chicken.

    1. Ew! That last line of your tirade was fucking brutal.
      Have you seen those pics of The, "Good", Pastor Brooks?
      Brutal, Chuck.
      Just fucking brutal I tell you...

  5. Here's what people are missing in this story.

    It began with one guy recording the performance with his Smartphone (which didn't exist in 1994), driving back to his home in Higginsville to post it on Facebook (which didn't exist in 1994), getting picked up by a buddy with a blog (which barely existed if they existed at all in 1994), and then going viral from there practically before the sun rose the next morning.

    By that afternoon, the outrage over the performance had grown so large that the so-called "dead tree media" couldn't ignore it.

    In other words, this is yet another example of "citizen journalism" breaking a story and the "dead tree media" following AFTER it became a pretty big deal.

    Now perhaps if all this communications technology existed in 1994, the Bush clown performance might have elicited the same reaction.

    Then again, without one guy from Higginsville who recorded it then posted about it on Facebook, we likely would never have heard of the Obama clown performance either.

  6. Byron Funkyhouser8/15/13, 7:18 AM

    Gee...with Yael hogging all the open space there isn't hardly any room for me on Obama's nutsack!

  7. 7:15

    I hear the technical side of this and you have a point, but HERE


    is the REAL reason this story and ANY story like it, gets legs.

  8. More proof of the fact that liberals are the ones who inject race into everything because without it, they have nothing to offer.

  9. While there is no written law, we may have finally reached a place in America where it’s forbidden to publicly mock the president of the United States — assuming the president is an African-American and a member of the Democratic Party.

    The outcry over a rodeo clown donning a mask resembling President Obama reached a new level of absurdity when it was reported Monday that the man behind the mask has been permanently banned from performing at the fair ever again, as reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

    Missouri State Fair officials barred the rodeo clown from ever performing at the fair again and are requiring that “all officials and subcontractors associated with the association must participate in “sensitivity training,” the Post-Dispatch noted.

    In addition, the president of the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, who served as the announcer at the event, resigned on Monday.

    Several state lawmakers are also demanding an investigation after threatening to cut funding for the fair, an annual event that receives state tax dollars.

    Politicians and the national media jumped all over the incident, deeming it to be inappropriate and disrespectful. However, very few are acknowledging that what took place in Sedalia, Mo., on Saturday night was a duplication of a stunt that has been performed many times before.

    In fact, it was documented back in 1994 that a dummy wearing a President George H.W. Bush mask, propped up by a broomstick, was employed as a decoy during a bull riding riding contest.

    One member of the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association who was at Saturday’s event told the Associated Press that there was nothing offensive or unusual about the rodeo clowns actions — he was trying to look like a dummy and that rodeo clowns have long performed such acts, often imitating sitting presidents.

    “The joke is not that it was the president,” he said. “They drag out this person dressed like a dummy and all of the sudden this dummy just takes off running. That’s what’s funny.”

    The only difference between then and now is the hyper-sensitivity and double standard that applies to the first African-American president.

    Hyper-sensitivity that was on full display when the apparent Obama supporter who drew attention to the incident, Perry Beam, said it felt “like some kind of Klan rally you’d see on TV,” as reported by the USA Today.

    All of which may explain why race relations in America are imploding under President Barack Obama’s tutelage.

  10. Sensitivity Training.

    Fucking re education camps.

    Rodeo Clowns are now ALL to attend "Sensitivity Training".

    Is any fuckin body awake out there?

    Jesus, Rodeo Clowns in sensitivity training...

  11. Obviously clowns are the problem. Have you seen how many can fit in a car! That's a weapon of mass destruction. Combine that with a high capacity assault bull and we have real trouble. Let's get together and ban all clowns before it's to late, especially the midget ones, they are easy to hide and more can fit in a car. Who's with me!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Anybody remember the fiasco of a rock festival that happened on the state fairgrounds in the early '70s?

    Now suppose some paid performer burned an American flag on the fairgrounds to the cheers of thousands of hippies.

    Would you be defending the right of free speech?

  13. 7:51

    I guess we could all "Suppose" all kinds of shit.

    I went to that festival, rode down there on my Harley with a bunch of guys. Jesus it was hot.

    Nobody burned anything except hippie lettuce.

    Wolfman Jack got on my nerves.

  14. Let's see the video of GW Bush and compare the two.

    I personally think that Rodeo Clowns should always wear Nixon mask but I was to young to attend the concert in 74.

  15. Why doesn't he get a REAL name? Not "YaelAbulookahdookahbookah" or whatever the fuck it's supposed to be.

  16. Yael does a fine job of representing the double standard that exists in America when it comes to matters of race.

    Blacks are allowed, perhaps even encouraged, to mock, ridicule and otherwise demean whites based on racial stereotypes. (Blacks do the same to women, homosexuals, and even each other, too. But that's not the focus of Yael's column.)

    Whites are not allowed to criticize blacks, even for legitimate reasons.

  17. A group of people gathers together for a traditional activity and as a comedic side note during the event, makes fun of a public person whose public policies are unpopular to them and in their area. No one, not even an animal, is harmed.

    Another group gathers together for the sole purpose of committing random, violent attacks on people, some of them severe, for no other reason than the color of the other person's skin.

    One of these activities receives national attention and condemnation for inciting and inflaming racial discord. The other receives a passing headline and is dismissed as an unfortunate action by unsupervised, misguided youth.

    Guess which is which.

  18. Orphan of the Road8/15/13, 9:05 AM

    The first rule of comedy is it has to be funny if it is gross. This was a SNL skit which went on too long.

  19. Here's a great analysis that dumbshits like Yael, Claire, Cleaver, et. al. (Yes, that includes you Jerry Lefever) should read and understand BEFORE they open their mouths and demonstrate their stupidity.


  20. Orphan- A skit gone too long doesn't make it a racial attack, just bad entertainment. And if THAT becomes a crime, they better start building the Hollywood wing at Lompoc right now.

  21. Wailin’ Yael knows that his drivel is written in vain, like most of the Falling Star’s other content. Otherwise, the comments section wouldn’t have to be closed on the majority of the stories the Star prints. I look at a variety news publications online every day, and the Star is the only one that ever blocks comments just because the majority of their readers have differing opinions. With every TV news team in the city having a website, as well as good ol’ TKC, there’s no reason to even look at the Star … I hope the last of its dim light burns out soon.

  22. "Here's a great analysis that dumbshits like Yael, Claire, Cleaver, et. al. (Yes, that includes you Jerry Lefever)"

    Does it also include Peter Kinder who also found the performance offensive? Or is your criticism reserved only to Democrats?

  23. This isn't about freedom of speech or whether or not Obama deserves ridicule. It is about our Missouri taxpayers funds paying for expression of political views. It's wrong, no matter who is doing it.

  24. How typical that Yael blocks comments on his latest attempt at spewing hate towards the rodeo clown.

    The real embarrassment to Missouri of this event is that Drudge linked to The Star and the rest of the country got to see what kind of a piece of putrid shit we have for a newspaper every day.

    Agree with 9:18 (and most rational minds in KC), can't wait until The Star is only a faint and disgusting memory in KC.

  25. How typical that Yael blocks comments on his latest attempt at spewing hate towards the rodeo clown.

    The real embarrassment to Missouri of this event is that Drudge linked to The Star and the rest of the country got to see what kind of a piece of putrid shit we have for a newspaper every day.

    Agree with 9:18 (and most rational minds in KC), can't wait until The Star is only a faint and disgusting memory in KC.

  26. @9:28 AMEN to that! And to Wail Aboufukka ... SOMETIMES THE TRUTH HURTS you pussified Pollyanna.

  27. OK, Chuck. You don't like hypotheticals. Then let's talk about a real situation.

    Did you defend the Dixie Chicks when the entire world of country music was coming down on their heads, with boycotts, stations banning their music and even organized CD bonfires?

    After all, Natalie Maines was only exercising her free speech rights, and no president is above criticism.

    You must have been absolutely appalled at all the hate directed at her and certainly would take no part in it.

  28. This cross-eyed "Yael" creature, could and should be the poster child for "Let's NOT Marry Your Sister Day". What an ugly, fucking, little creep.

  29. FAEL editorial. LOLZ What's really funny is that his pic looks like a FAEL.

  30. 7:19

    That link sez a lot.

    Read it.

  31. 7:49 comment, your humor is genius!!!
    Thanks, got a laugh from that!

    Fael Abbukalke and Baba Shelly and the other retardorial staff are helping to implement Orwell's "1984" right here in Kansas City!

    Journalists fighting AGAINST free speech......who knew?

  32. Yael and the over sensitive racists out there, can all suck a dead man's dick, or Pastor Brooks may be available

  33. Send in the clowns.

  34. Yael and most of his fellow columnists at the Stupid Star are a bunch of turds that need to be flushed out of KC. I'm sure they like to think of themselves as "real journalists." What a crock of shit. They're about as real as the rag they work for. I hope it goes under soon.

  35. Really cannot believe that a newsie is supporting the backlash to this incident of free speech. Sums up how off base dick head Yael and that shitty paper are today. mocking the sitting president has been an American tradition since day one. Hell, Letterman skewered Bush for eight years and no one, not even Yael who now is suddenly so offended by attacks at the prez, said a fucking word. And the bullshit that this was inappropriate because public dollars support the fair is crap. Public dollars support art all the time (uh, 1% for art for example) and often we all don't agree on the message contained in a specific piece of art.

  36. Yale is an idiot.

  37. Self ascribed smartest man in the Midwest...if not the country.....arrogant sob

  38. @6:20- Truly is amazing that someone with such mediocre academic qualifications can pontificate from such a prestigious platform like the KC Star (sarcasm heavily implied). This guy is a joke and has been for years. I would call him a "troll", however, I think that he is fervent in his righteous indignation. I think we just need to accept the guy for who he truly is; a failure as a journalist who has contributed literally nothing in life. Think about it, his professional legacy is an absolute joke and his personal legacies (kids), are equally as mediocre. Majoring in general studies at UMKC? Good one dude, keep on doing what you do, Yael; you make us all feel more accomplished in our own lives.

  39. Abe Lincoln was depicted as an ape in editorial cartoons of his day. But we must be careful how we criticize the Dear Leader.

  40. a bunch of thin skin fucks are what they are


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