A very special thanks to THE MOST BAD-ASS TKC TIPSTERS for this IMPORTANT NOTE about security at City Hall. Check it:

"The City of Kansas City, Missouri has awarded Clarence M. Kelley and Associates (CMKA) a one year contract with four additional one year extensions to provide armed executive protection for the Mayor and other City executives at City Hall. CMKA had provided this service for nearly a year under a temporary agreement but has won the permanent contract via RFP #EV1441"

Certainly, we want our politicos to be safe. Still, this kind of top notch protection from A FIRM BASED IN LENEXA, KANSAS is certainly a nice luxury.

Please correct me if I'm wrong . . . But wasn't this A JOB THAT KCPD EXPERTLY PERFORMED along with city security guards at no additional cost to taxpayers?!?!

I know, I know . . . A lot of these guys are former KCPD and that's cool . . . It's just that I didn't think Kansas City was the kind of place where politicos needed high level private security contractors like Iraq or something. And it's kind of ironic that top level City Hall executives get this kind of protection while the rest of us take our chances.

And, GOD FORGIVE ME FOR MENTIONING THIS, remember that our former Mayor didn't even want police bodyguards. Obviously, the attitude about security and the threat from the public has changed under the leadership of Mayor Sly.

Check the presser on this contract thanks to BAD-ASS TKC TIPSTERS . . .


  1. Clarence M. Kelly was the Kansas City police chief who first instituted MDT (computers) in patrol cars. He was also the police chief who allowed researchers to conduct the famous Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment. He was also the director of the FBI.

    Clarence M Kelly and associates was formerly located in KCMO on Main st. I didn't know it moved...

    Either way, the this is silly.

  2. Sorry to disappoint everyone, but one contract person replaced 2 city employees who used to perform this duty along with KCPD. City saved $50,000 by making this change. Individual provides armed security for entire building. KCPD protects only Mayor when he is in the building.

    1. Your wrong. There is two full time officers assigned to the mayor at all times except in his own home. Get your facts straight. And it's costing us tax payers money to hire this private company.

    2. Sorry, but get your facts straight. City outsourced all building security last year saving $800,000 from previous costs. This outsourcing of armed security was part of overall reduction. KCPD provided security for Mayor before and does so now. That cost and coverage did not change.

  3. The facts are straight. The Mayor is buying new security.

    You are playing numbers games with the budget like that shitheel Troy Schulte. The Mayor didn't need to spend this money but he loves luxury and just insulted the KCPD.

    Shame on you Sly.

  4. Did we use that 800 grand to pay for the Power and Light District.

    What bullshit this is from an obvious sly james staffer. Go back to sleep.

  5. If the Mayor just avoids the Plaza and expecially The Cheesecake Factory during Flash Mobs, he will be safe.

  6. Wrong, Chuck. The Mayor must also take care to avoid family functions, as well.

  7. He is probably afraid of his own son, or brother attacking him.

  8. From Mark and Gloria: Do you miss us yet?

  9. Well damn where is Tracy Ward at????

    Why isn't she on a street corner bitching about this waste of city money?

  10. Just another way to redistribute tax dollars to some cronies. And another thing, this obsession with security seems to be pervading ALL levels of government. NOT A GOOD SIGN. Private coppers? Don't trust the KCMOPD?

  11. It's always best to line up a bit of protection for yourself and your cronies before you begin to increase your stealing from the local population.

  12. After attempting to run rough shod over the KCPD Sly and the Gang decided that it was not a good idea to have them protecting the City Staff.

    This was a defensive move and it was meant to eliminate KCPD access to sensitive discussions regarding moves to further eliminate KCPD benefits, etc.

    J. W. Helkenberg

  13. Or maybe it was simply a means to save money and free up KCPD from having to sit in meetings at City Hall and do something more important for the citizens. The conspiracy theories are often more interesting than the truth.

  14. 933, you and I both know that two extra officers aren't going to make a difference in the community. Get real.

  15. Maybe he should look into some private firefighters too incase his house catches on fire. I'm sure after pushing KCPD off a cliff while forcing them to go under city healthcare no one is rushing to jump in front of a bullet for him. Also, everyone knows that any big crime boss has to have his own body guards and enforcers. One term sly is doing some pretty shady things lately and like someone else mentioned, he doesn't news two Sworn KCPD officers hearing his business. They might have to arrest him if they did.

  16. Wrong on the MDT's that technology never came into play until several years ago, KCPD is still 30 years behind the rest of the country in technology.

  17. Will these private security bodyguards be guarding Kyle as well? If so, I'm thrilled my tax money will be going to that.

  18. I want to know why the mayor is spending Kansas City tax dollars in Lenexa Kansas. Are there no Kansas City based security companies worthy of the job? Since they will be working in KC will they be charged the 1% tax?

  19. Hhahahaha just proves that even Clarence Kelly no longer wants his business in KC after a huge history with KC.

  20. Be careful when your playing with fire.

    Kelly and James & Son might have more in common than you think, but not like you think.

    There are going to be riots in KC, when is the question, not if.

    If food or water and physical safety become a problem who would you want protecting you? You don't want the citizens finding you, true?

  21. KC is becoming a shithold.

    Thank you Sly.

  22. Non story. Security at City Hall was outsourced a year ago. Two KCPD are Mayor's bodyguards. They aren't cheap. But the same guard used to drive Kay Barnes to the scary Northland grocery store on the high risk Saturday afternoons.

  23. According to the RFP on the web site KCMO now has a popluation of 1.8 million and now covers 500 square miles.


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