Cindy Circo, you dirty little hairdressing minx!!!

Credit to one of TKC'S MOST KICKASS, AWESOME AND GULLY TIPSTERS for keeping track of an important campaign finance detail.

Here's the sitch:

5th District Council Lady Cindy Circo is the Chairperson of Kansas City's Hotel Steering Committee - A collection of dimwits who think that this cowtown should pay for a 1,000 room hotel in order to revive the local economy after hundreds of millions worth of taxpayer supported buildings haven't yet seemed to do the trick.

Ron Jury is a local developer eager to become a part of Kansas City's interest in funding a huge hotel project.

A very wise TKC TIPSTER notes, "I thought surely no one in front of Cindy Circo's hotel committee trying to get a sweet developer's deal with a guaranteed return would have the balls to donate to her campaign committee." The AWESOME TIPSTER continues, "And if so, surely she wouldn't be STUPID enough to take it."

And here we are . . . Check out Cindy Circo's latest Campaign Finance Report and notice that Ron Jury made a rather sweet donation for $1,000.

Let's make it plain:


The conflict should be obvious . . . And I'm surprised that Cindy Circo hasn't seen it. Thankfully, KICKASS TKC TIPSTERS are keeping track of this cash exchange along with the fact that Circo is taking care of her friend Kim Carlos with Hotel Convention money too.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with Jury trying to get some good mileage out of his money . . . However . . .


Circo should know that taking this money doesn't pass the smell test. TKC readers know the deal. Natch.


  1. That's powerful ciphering Jethro!

  2. boring...this is how it is done...been this way for hundreds of years and will still be the norm for hundreds more...get over it Tony.

  3. to anon 04:13:00 PM: Do you mean just because it has been done this way it is okay? How complacent you are. Stop breathing the air and occupying space on this earth that other free thinking individuals can use. You are a worthless f... of a human being.

  4. anon 4:13:
    You must be part of the quid pro quo corruption that is killing our city.

    This is how things are done and as a result people who buy politicians get to benefit from sweet tax breaks and taxpayer backed bonds for their private development projects - many of which are ruining our city. I didn't realize Circo ran on a platform of "corruption as usual".

    Need I mention the lovely west edge plaza project? That's how things were done over there and now we are fucked because Ray Braswell is incompetent and Bob Bernstein is one cheap MF. We may not be on the hook for the bonds, but we are stuck with an ugly-ass shell of a building that will probably need to be demolished.

    So, 4:13, maybe you ought to get over it. IT is NOT okay to ignore ethics because other people have been doing it for hundreds of years. If it were, wives and slaves would still be a white man's property.

  5. Carlos is the problem12/9/09, 4:51 PM

    Kim Carlos should be imprisoned. She is simply corrupt, and Cindy Circo is only there to gather more public cash for Kim's private gain.

  6. Cindy is a shame. She started out trying to do the right thing and now she is just as bad as McFadden-Weaver.

  7. just shutdown the hotel steering committee. kansas city does not need another empty hotel. this is a private sector project!

  8. Bill George was probably the bag man for the $. Buddy of Jury's as well and another corrupt contributor.

  9. It looks the the only economy the hotel is going to fix is the council people's.

  10. @5:42 there was no bag man. He just wrote a check.

  11. "You are a worthless f... of a human being."

    Wow - even for this piece of shit blog, just wow.

    Dude get a grip, I was just trying to point out that that is exactly how our political system works...Like it or not. There is no law against it and everybody does it. To think differently is just fucking naive, pollyannaish, drivel. So my degrading conterpart, get a life and some respect for others. Just because you don't like the message gives you no right to kill the messanger. Same to you other losers who can't fact the truth.

    As someone once said: Peace on Earth good will to all mankind this holiday season.

  12. Oh yeah, and you probably think the other developers are just sitting idly by and not doing the same as Jury.

  13. Hey speaking of smell test, I just want to sniff Jessica's you know what!

  14. true dat! bet it smell like sweet perfume!

  15. She's term limited... one term left. Then good riddance.

  16. She doesn't deserve her next term.

  17. But she will be re-elected easily.

  18. Cindy Circo: No college education, professional manicurist, well-known family heritage of union affiliation (Dad & hubby), pushed through inapropriately an ordinance that favored her family (declared an city "emergency" to prevent further committee review) and now is, to an objective observer, taking kickbacks for consideration of hotels.

    Pay to play?

    Don't know exactly, but the appearances are consistent with that concept.




    Kinda looks that way.

  19. 5:51 is right. This is no surprise - not Circo being corrupt, just the way the system is. Maybe TKC should also check the campaign contributions for EVERY other Council Member down there right now. John Sharp working for AFL-CIO and passing projects for them while he was on payroll; Terry Riley when he was Chair of P&Z, passing things for Douglas Bank, where he worked, or approving deals for developers who gave him thousands, Cathy Jolly and John Sharp and their contributions from On Goal and others with the Bannister Mall Redevelopment project, Jan heading up the sewer stuff while raking in thousands from Burns and Mac and others who will benefit from that work, Russ taking in money from engineers while serving as chair of T&I where he approves their contracts, Ed Ford's treasurer - Lynn Hinkle - who had thousands of dollars in contracts at city. Most folks, whether it's developers or development attorneys, come before any and all of them at one point or another. It's the game. As long as they disclose it, that's the way it is - whether you're talking city council, county legislature, state offices or congress, just the reality. Until there is true campaign finance reform, this is reality so quit complaining and deal with the system we have. Most folks involved with this city also get involved in campaigns and make contributions. So either fix the law or suck it Tony.

  20. Well Tony. I guess this is your best shot for today so will give all the shitty hall backstabbers and their victims a place to look to see and smell what was left here? And the perenniel news people always bent on stealing news rather than gathering it themselves with their impossibly sort staffs?

    Fine. I know you'd CHOKE before giving little old me (RADIOMANKC) a fair shake. You have your favorites, like Alonzo, (self promoting play-uh in the comm'u'nty) always wnating TIPS tips go to him stead of TIPS or the Cops, because he needs the street and official cred for having RELEVANCE!

    Crap, I'd be first to report the SECOND COMING, and you'd find another way to source it to one of your media or buds. No matter. I'll point out that I was the first BLOGGER to report the lovely and delightful ERIN LITTLE, channel 9 weather bunny's pooch is a baby in the oven. Yup, I stole it from gateway's TV room. I'll credit my source. And a hottie she is, Tony. You should wish you had HER in a bikini!

    Well no matter, my radiomankc readership stats actually ARE growing, tho not as fast as if you'd let me into your clique KC bloggers. I'd only remark that while you claim to play fair and open minded, you have your sacred cows and favorites just lke that 'dead tree media' you're so quick to condemn! I disagree with you so much... the Star is a good enterprise, to admittedly affected by corporarte realities as are many industries, like radio, carmaking, textiles, electronic manufacturers, and so many more. Fine you've gotten in bed with Darla at KMBZ.... lord knows its hard to fill a show that long and so she needs you to fill time between commericals as much as you need her to bring you and the blogosphere some local cred!

    B ut she's still a right wing whore, and I cant believe you'd go onto her show without washing your hands for about a half hour after appearing with that white wing wench which I enjoyed describing as the "Tokyo Rose" of the Karl Rove set, just a few hours ago.

    I so wish you'd spend more time talking about real KC happenings and politics both local and national as pertained to local, as you do about spot news, and crime. Local TV has local murders better covered than anybody... crime scene yellow tape, flashing cop lights, PR statements and defendent prejudicial statements from officialdom who will use local media in a heartbeat to make it easy to prosecute anybody they pick up off the street!

    I guess what pisses me off the most is that you, Tony, of all bloggers, have the audience-- just like the DRUDGE REPORT has -- but you don't seem to respect the responsibility your success has given you. I'd suggest your very success DEMANDS, yes DEMANDS you exercise far more ethics and editorial responsibility than you WISH you did.

    I know, you like to be an entertainer, a blogger, a jokester, whatever...its on your site. Sadly, once you achieve a certain level, my friend, you just can't be what you wish you were. Like a sports guy. Once ya become a star like our friend Tiger, you just can't fuque around anymore. Ain't it a bitttch? Well explain that to everybody else, expecially those on TV and writing for grocery store tabloids!

  21. who reads radioman's comments?

  22. Kansas City politics are corrupt and lack leadership.

    That's why this City ha pursued so many dead in developments and bad concepts.

    People at City Hall work for those that pay to put them there, not for the people that live in the city.

  23. Kansas City politics are corrupt and lack leadership.

    That's why this City ha pursued so many dead in developments and bad concepts.

    People at City Hall work for those that pay to put them there, not for the people that live in the city.

  24. @ 7:40 - thanks for putting the correct perspective on this. I had the same thought- if TKC is going to crucify Circo for this, he needs to get his "tipsters" to check out every council person's campaign reports and nail them up as well. You don't have to like the system, but it is the way it is- taking a legal donation does not equate to being a corrupt skank. And talk about hyperbole- one of the most corrupt council people in KCMO history? Yeah, if that history began last week. Geez, Tony.
    Oh... and Radioman, I was starting to have hope for you- your posts have been short and to the point recently. Sorry to see you've fallen off the wagon.

  25. It's okay, 9:49, that wasnt meant for you and your ADD ilk.

    Aren't you glad airline pilots and surgeons and building engineers and so many others can stay on task long enough to master more complex task than you do?

    I sure am. We'd be in deep shit if you were as smart as humans can be!

    Maybe you should be quiet lest people think TKC only attracts the middle school, high school back of the classroom crowd and wetbacks from Mexico who no hablan Engles muy bueno, even though they'll work circles around you because they're motivated?

  26. Executive summary of comment above mine:
    blah blah blah.

  27. Radioman KC, you sound angry. And, you're long winded too. Its great that you disagree with Tony, but damn! Take a breath already!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Its not just this issue with Circo. She whores herself to so many! Being on the MAST board making changes/moves that local 42's wants? She should have never been in a decision making position with HER HUSBAND ON THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Being on the committee and TAKING MONEY FROM THE INTEREST GROUP? She can't hide from her stench. I want to know what TKC finds on Circo. If your lame ass excuse is "all politicians do it.." and you think it should be overlooked you are corrupt.

  29. Tired of Kimmy and Cindy12/10/09, 6:59 AM

    Kim George Carlos should really be subjected to an investigation by the FBI's public corruption unit. She is always managing to receive no-work contracts at the public's expense. This hotel deal should be the last straw. Kim is Cindy's campaign manager. Cindy supports the construction of a hotel at public expense, and receives a $1000 campaign contribution, and Kim receives $40000 as a PR contract, and who knows how much of that ends up going back to Cindy?

  30. There does seem to be several transactions involving Carlos and Circo (together and independently) that deserve law enforcement attention.

  31. The FBI will not touch Democrats in this town. The FBI is afraid. The Democrat Party is tied to the mob and that includes the Baker and George family.

  32. There is no mob in Kansas City. Ever.

  33. The Star ought to take the money they pay call centers to phone my house every day in attempt to get me to renew my canceled subscription and maybe pay a competent reporter who may look into this issue of pay for play.
    There are a plenty of news sources out there that cover press releases from politicos and developers - I'm not paying for another.

    How hard is it to sift through campaign reports when your only job in the world is to write news? Stop crying about your dwindling market Helling & Kraske and start reporting something.
    If you want me to pay for your stories you'll need to tell me something I don't already know.

  34. I'm sure Circo is giving up her district's PIAC fund to ensure approval for the new hotel from the East-Side council people.

    I'm surprised you didn't link to this Tony:

  35. Radioman-

    Really hit a sore spot, huh? You've yet to discern the difference between quality and quantity. When you rant on ad nauseum and I turn you off, it does not mean I am less attentive, it means you're BORING. As for staying on task, if the airline pilots, engineers, surgeons, etc. had your level of competence, I would NOT be happy-I would be scared to death.
    I have learned my lesson. From now on I shall stick to the effective, though in your eyes symptomatic of an ADD society, STFU!

    Anon 9:49
    oh wait, it was 9:50, no, 9:51- look a bird...

  36. Cindy is on her way out. Her competitor is staying low and filling his war chest. She better keep picking the easy plums like Jury or she will be out in the cold with not enough money to win again. I'm working against her and so are my cousins. Laugh fool, there are forty of them.

  37. oh fuck it, we need a revolution and to decapitate leaders who are crooked. grab your panties and pitchforks drag em out into public and savagely beat them.....or they can opt to buy their way out of a killing and only into a major ass whooping...the irony would be great.


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