TKC Confirmed!!!! Kim Carlos & Kansas City's Hotel Hot Mess Move Forward!!!

The Biz Journal has the horrible details of how Kansas City is wasting money trying to get into the hotel business. TKC readers were talking about it last night. Especially this passage: Among the contracts approved by the steering committee on Tuesday was a $40,000 contract with Kim Carlos of KC Consulting for communications relating to the convention hotel project. Two other bids for the contract exceeded $70,000, Council Lady Cindy Circo said.

It's nice when women friends stick together.


  1. Hello, FBI. Hey, you folks doing anything? If not, how about investigating some corruption?

  2. Maybe someone named Cindy told Kim what her "bid" should be after the others came in?

    After all, since Kim never really does any work, she has no real expenses so its all gravy.

  3. The FBI could also look into that illegal campaign contribution that Cindy Circo's Campaign Committee made to Credit Card Kay Barnes on December 29, 2007. It is illegal to contribute corporate money to Federal campaign committees and Cindy Circo's account is full of corporate money.

    Kim Carlos was Cindy's campaign manager when this happened.

  4. Ouch!

    If Kim wants that Convention Hotel to go through then she had better quit, because her involvment makes the whole thing look corrupt.


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