Allow us a brief Kansas City moment of reflection.

Tonight's question . . .


Of course, we have examples . . .

The Kansas City East Side Revs Seem To Have Lost Their Way And No Longer Hold As Much Influence Over The Local African-American Vote Inside City Limits

Kansas City Council Dude and Sexter Pastor Brooks exemplifies the current disgrace among Kansas City East Side Revs. Sadly, there are so many other examples. From shady real estate deals to a myriad of sex scandal allegations . . . The Kansas City Revs have lost a lot of influence because of shifting demographics, changing times and their own shameful antics.

What Happened To Kansas City Rabbis???

Most of the Jewish Community has abandoned KCMO for the Golden Ghetto but the last local high profile Rabbi making waves among the KC social set was Rabbi Cukierkorn . . . Who was involved in quite a hot mess that still divides his former faith community.

Turnabout Is Fair Play: Narco Death Cult Tightens Grip On Local Latinos

It's only fair to criticize hokey Latino mysticism in this post and remind everyone that Hispanic spiritualism can often take an ominous and sometimes blasphemous turn. Look closely at your local bodega in KC Proper or KCK and astute observers will notice this kind of false idol: 'Saint Death' Now Revered On Both Sides Of U.S.-Mexico Frontier

Finally, Bishop Finn Remains The Untouchable Kingpin Of Kansas City Faith Disappointment

He has been absolved and mostly unscathed amid a devastating Catholic Priest Sex Abuse scandal that resonated around the world. But still, Bishop Finn reigns supreme among all local clergy thanks to powerful political connections and strong support among the monied faithful

So . . . Can any of these groups save Kansas City?

Does this town still have faith in . . .

- The Revs?

- The Rabbis?

- New And Old Superstitions?!?!

- Church Hierarchy?!??!

John Lennon once said, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me."

But then again he didn't have the good sense to stay away from Yoko or at least hide behind her when Mark David Champan wanted an autograph and then some . . . 

But I digress . . .

The point here is: There's a lot of reasons lose faith in this wicked little town and Kansas City faith leaders haven't given us much reason for hope.

Late 90s College Acoustic Reminiscing . . .

Consider, lament and dwell on this tonight and hopefully (God willing) we'll have more BREAKING/EXCLUSIVE NEWS, discussion, debate, discourse, our share of hateration and lots of good stuff for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Moses is ahead of the tech game. Good for him.

  2. Yoko wasent there to hide behind, Tony.
    just sayin

  3. It's not 1492 when Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue... people are still trying to escape from the lameness that is religion in this country but religion left about 20 years ago. With the increased ease for every tom, wang-waiver and harry to become clergy... nobody really wonder's why. If they're not molesting little boys, their taking pics of their man parts and tweeting them. Religion in this town is a joke.
    World crass.

  4. I didn't spend too much time looking at the words on this one, but holy crap (no pun) tony these pictures and videos are hilarious

  5. Shady real estate deals? You don't mean East Patrol where a certain Black Baptist crook influenced Dumb (Reed) and Dumber (Curls) to pass legislation to install a 24-acre police barracks in a neighborhood...
    Karma is something else. Cool points reduced to negative infinity.
    Have your way karma... get busy.

  6. The Kansas City East Side Revs Seem To Have Lost Their Way And No Longer Hold As Much Influence Over The Local African-American Vote Inside City Limits

    Kansas City East Side Revs are walking dead and scum. The only believers in their crap is the mother board and even they've had enough.

  7. Christoper Hitchens wrote "God Is Not Great", a no apologies, evisceration of man made religion and the destruction wrought in various and sundry god's names for various and sundry causes, dreamed up in the mind of men who claimed to have "God" on speed dial. It is a great book and Hitchens, was probably the closest thing to god's ear if we look realistically at the state of the world.

    That said, as much as I loved Hitchens, who, maintained his atheism to the day he died, deniying the spirituality of the human race and the world we are apart of, is impossible. IQ, experience, wealth, needy, happy, poor et al, none of these things are required to experience the insight necessary to understand the continuity and connection of all things to that same spirituality.

    Is your god the indifferent god that Bette Midler says loves us from a distance? Is she telling you to storm the walls for a French King? Does he want you to stone your wife? Crucify Barabbas? Kill a Commie?

    Then your god is objectified and you are a tool of powerful men.

    Look inward.


  8. YOu forgot the biggest crooked pastor of the all, our famed car wash magnate and deadbeat-in-chief Emanuel Cleaver. Why we disgrace our community by naming a stree after that bastard is beyond me.

  9. TKC, I appreciate your Sunday evening moment of introspection on faith matters.

    I'm afraid that the seeming dearth of high profile faith leaders is but a symptom of a larger issue I've discussed previously in this space. I'm talking about the increased level of "negative social mood" which is observable throughout many aspects of society. For anyone who may be interested in this field of study, please Google "socionomics" and discover the cyclical nature of social mood.

    Thank you for the post, and good evening.

  10. Jesus is fake. The resurrection is a lie. Jews are not chosen. Mary was no virgin. La Santa Muerte is just Mictecihuatl revived by drug dealers and she's a fake too. Only people can save people. Blame parents for the sins of children. Contraception ends poverty. Look to Sweden.

  11. good comment, chuck.

    we are lucky that in the us, kc even, religion really doesnt play nearly the divisive and often violent role it plays in fueling conflicts in other parts of the world.

    there are still lingering stereotypes about gays or muslims that might come from religious sectarianism, but really its nothing close to the conflict u may find between muslims and hindus in india, or between shia and sunni in the mid east.

  12. Ironic there were no Negros during the biblical days. We couldn't be so lucky.

  13. One cant save a soul in a city that has none! But one can be corrupt and live a great life!

  14. 11:35 I think what you meant to say was - Political corruption has removed any chance for anyone who lives here to have a soul. In this town its about money and corruption, and if you are religious keep going to church...thats your only chance to keep "soul" in this shit hole city.(btw I havent been to church in 15 years, but if it works for you then do it)

    Mayor sly is sucking the dicks of the richest people in this city. Does that make him a fag...well yes it does by default! I would never suck a dick or sell myself out, and for those of you who dont get what I am trying to say, just wake up in the morning, turn on the news, take your ant farm route to your shit job, and at the end of the day...ask yourself why happy hour is so important to you!

  15. There are almost no temples in kc. The only surviving one is on Gregory, and it is very small. So actually, other than the rabbi who serves this temple, there are no rabbis in KC.

  16. 12:06 Every hotel in this city has a connection to a temple,(google Patel) last time I checked into hotel in this city I was embarrassed because while trying to be nice to the woman, I couldnt help but notice she had a red dot between her eyes, and in Kansas city that is cause to hit the floor!!!

  17. According to the article, Rabbi Cukierkorn was found to have breached his fiduciary responsibility and defrauded the congregants of New Reform Temple. Oh my! I wonder what he is doing now? If anon 1206am is correct, he was driven from Kansas City.

  18. Along with no Rabbi's in this town there is also a lack of REAL delicatessens. Ever since the NY deli on troost closed there has been no quality deli in town. Sandwich shops that call themselves deli's like Jasons are just a poor attempt at the real thing.

  19. Goodbye Jews!

  20. One can learn more about Rabbi Cukierkorn by reading about him and his kind in Am I a Jew? A book written by Theodore Ross. The epic novel is on sale today at I suppose one could pick up a copy of the book in the lobby if the New Reform Temple or in Rabbi Londy's study.

  21. Those Saturday marathons are causing people to convert. They are to Kansas City what the Inquisition was to Spain. Ferdinand and Isabella would be so proud.

  22. CK is a intellectual wasteland, over run by hipsters.

  23. As a non believer, I am sick of having religion shoved in my face at every turn. I don't harass, shovel outreach, demand special accommodations because of my belief. I am in the majority in KC. More than 50% of people here have no religious affiliation. So for a church, whatever the denomination, to try to run my life by affecting laws, ordinances , etc is letting a minority group run things.

    I respect peoples choices of faith. Region doesn't respect my choice. And i'm sick of it. Sick of the office prayer groups, the stupid "god had a plan, ill pray for you" crap when someone has cancer, the birth defect baby that "is a gift from god."

    KC is a city full of churches, ministers that demand the limelight. Yet it is s violent, corrupt city that treats its citizens like an ATM machine.

  24. There is no god. Its impossible for any thing supernatural to exist. The idea that we are animals, no more or less, than any other animal frightens people. The simple fact that when we die, we really die, frightens people. However, its difficult to solve problems when everyone is being irrational. How can anyone read "The Greatest Story Ever Told" & believe it is beyond me. Its absurd.

  25. Speak for yourself, nosepicking sheepshagger.

    Even with an IQ of 129 on the West Virginia scale, it's (as opposed to its) impossible to say that it's impossible for anything supernatural to exist. If you've never encountered something you can't explain, you're even blinder than you duped the disability people into thinking you are.

  26. You only convince me that you're an asshole. If you tell me you believe this shit, then I'm not surprised.

    The Grammar Police aren't really the smartest people in the room. Unexplained doesn't mean inexplicable.

  27. Oh, gee. And I was so concerned about your opinion of me. I may not sleep a wink tonight.

    And stop picking your nose.

  28. Anon 748AM... were you ever a congregant of Rabbi Cukierkorn? Did he drive you from organized religion and a belief in god?

  29. 1:06: I took a class from him and thought he was a pretty good teacher.

  30. Did you donate any money with the intention of that money going to charity? If you read the article in the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle (link in the blog post) you might discover that your teacher looted the synagogues charitable discretionary fund and was forced to give back more than $250,000 to the same charity. What was the title of the course you took, how to loot a synagogues discretionary fund? Wake up you feckless buffoon!

  31. No. The class was on Judaism for non-Jews. I don't remember what it cost or if it cost anything at all. At any rate it was a very interesting class, and it was my time and my money (if there was a cost), so what's it to you? I'm not saying the guy is guilty of innocent ( since I don't know), but I found him to be a good teacher.

  32. The More mens, lol!!

  33. The rabbi was found guilty of fraud. He was forced to pay back or disgorge hundreds of thousands of dollars. Forgive me for being mystified that you dont get this. Did you stop to think how many people he hurt, misled, let down and defrauded? You choose to lay down with dogs. Even non-Jews wind up with fleas when they lay down with dogs.

  34. Dear nut case: No one is 100% bad or 100% good. It's part of human nature. If you haven't learned that, you need to take a look at yourself. I would much prefer to hang with flawed people than with judgmental hypocrites like you seem to be. I bet you think you've never done anything slightly questionable. I'd hate to be at your Thanksgiving dinner.

  35. So you have fleas too, anon 646. And you were probably molested by your priest (hopefully not) but that would be ok since in your clueless world, one needs to turn a blind eye to poor, unethical or hurtful behavior of others. And, woe is me, one shouldn't expect any minimal standard of decency from those cretins who hide behind their religious vestments. If you are not the person behind the original post, you are even more feckless and, from your own written words, morally bankrupt. By the way, you are not a banker or religious huckster, are you?

  36. Not a banker and not even particularly religious. And certainly not even molested by a priest although I've seen some I may not have minded being molested by.

  37. Okay then, you are simply a morally bankrupt, feckless, flea ridden buffoon. Settled!

  38. Anon 705, did your rabbi turn you into a Jew? The thought of the rabbi pulling you out of a hat puts a smile on my face and gives many of us in the Jewish community a better idea of what the rabbi is up to nowadays.

  39. 7:39: I am so concerned about your opinion of me I may not sleep a wink. As for being a buffoon, your posts truly prove--beyond a doubt--that it takes one to accuse one.

    7:05: No. I was there for information, not confirmation. Unlike you. The rabbi evidently thought it may not be a bad idea to explain Judaism to a wider audience. I guess you oppose such interaction.

  40. Information? Like how to loot a charity? False Judaism for the feckless and unholy? If you want information, read The book Am I a Jew by Theodore Ross. You are clueless and without a shred of morality, decency and integrity.

  41. And you certainly are a one-note Charley. Sounds like you're pissed Jaques didn't cut you in on the scam, gonif.

  42. Right... my bad. Your thinking, morality and behavior is exemplary. Behavior that should be held up to your family, your children (if any) and your friends. I really could care less about your rabbi. My issue is the fecklessness of people. This man (clothed in religious garments) committed a felony level fraud and theft. And this means nothing to you. What does someone have to do for you to say, this is a bad person, I want nothing to do with them and enough is enough? How about pedophiles? Murderers? Are they ok people to deal with? Do you turn a blind eye to people like that? Our society is coming unglued because of people like you and people like your rabbi who prey on feckless and clueless dolts like you. It gets my goat. That is my issue. As for and about you; I could care less. You and your soul aren't worth the spit on the floor.

  43. It's nice to have an issue, but you might consider getting a life as well.

  44. Hello... You seem to have time to go post to post. Or has that minor factoid escaped you too? I'm guessing you function somewhere outside of the real world. A world where felons, pedophiles and murderers are role models and the rules you make up never apply to you. No wonder you got hooked by the rabbi.

  45. You have a very good imagination for someone who also goes post-to-post. Don't drop your soap.

  46. How badly do you want to get the last word? I can keep this up a while longer! If you want the last word you are either going to have to ask me nicely (I doubt you have that in your), wait until I fall asleep or beg like the feckless snake that you really are :) Do I hear you hissing, big guy?

  47. You can have the last word. If I'd known that's what you wanted, I would have given in a long time ago. Have a good life, or issue, or whatever.

  48. I really didnt want the last word but you kept on posting. Now that I am contributing the final response (hopefully) we will see if you need to go on with this or whether you will do what you wrote. Have a nice night and life too! If you need to have the last word I probably will let you have it even though you have not been either fair or pleasant with me.


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