The latest column from Kansas City columnist Lewis Diuguid might be the best thing I've read from Dead Tree Media in the past two years.

Urban exodus strips city of too many stoplights

I know it's good because I can't help thinking, "Why, didn't I think of that . . . Of course it's white people's fault!"

Check the money quote . . .

"The loss of stoplights is just another symptom of the decades-long exodus from the urban core. White flight removed people, finances and resources from the city."

Again, this writing is perfect for starting a conversation.

However, I have to disagree with the conclusion.


Real talk . . . White people still residing in this town put the story of stoplight removal on blast and sent in a great many important tips to TKC as the tale unfolded.

More to the point . . .


Following this debate what I've really noticed is that the stoplight removal cost cutting effort is really just a result of our diverse political class mistakenly believing that toy trains and other big budget attractions will increase revenue and not only pay for themselves but also create revenue for the rest of Kansas City. This hypothetical scenario has never materialized despite the fact that we keep trying it again and again. Even worse, Kansas City's "tin cup urbanism" mentality has actually been championed by amateur urban planners and corporate lobbyists who are mostly white but still live in town . . . So I guess we can blame white people but they're closer to home.

Again, it's a great column and maybe I'm being too picky about casting blame for Kansas City's misplaced priorities given that there's so much of it to go around.


  1. Yup go ahead and blame me and see if I give a fuck.

    I know the real truth and it sure the fuck ain't me to blame.

    Typical idiot thinking from idiots to fucking scared to come out and speak the real truth.

  2. Filthy, fucking NIGGERS, tear everything up and then blame white people for their own stupidity. NIGGERS are cancers on society and just continue to get worse. No, there is no treatment..

  3. Heads in one pile bodies in another pile ! fuck all pos niggers.

  4. School.system sucks, why would starter families want to live here?

  5. It started with white flight, now it's black flight, they are leaving kansas city, grandview, raytown and independence.

    anybody with any brains is leaving !

  6. No, no. The NIGGERS are staying among the ruins of these towns they have ruin, just as surely as a fire. NIGGERS ruin everything.

  7. What was it called when Lewis moved to Martin City? Why were stoplights removed in non-urban core areas of the city? Why does Lewis ignore that inept local government largely controlled by minorities failed to properly maintain the stoplights for years? Why is Lewis still employed? Why does someone who got where he is based on the color of his skin always blame white people for every problem in the universe? White people have suffered more from the horrible slavery experiment.

  8. Petito, petito, principili.

    Begging the question. Assuming a conclusion based on falacious reasoning.

    Check Diuguid's statement here, "The loss of stoplights is just another symptom of the decades-long exodus from the urban core. White flight removed people, finances and resources from the city."

    The negative connotations accompanying that statement is the stock in trade guilt that has been, still is and will be applied to Whites in general for their failure to man up, accept the violence, murder, rape and assault that every sentinent being up to and including the family cat, knows is part and parcel of the landscape once demograhics change to a majority African American percentage in a given area.

    "...finances removed from the city..." This admission of the continuation of traditional non producering African Americans who can only survive on EBT/Snap, welfare, Section 8, Affirmatice Action, Set Asides and social engineering laws do not bode well for this nation, as the "Hope and Change" aspirations of an every increasing welfare class continues to drain our nation's coffers intrade for votes.

    By the way, here is EBT/Snap cards at work for you yesterday.

    Another quote from our esteemed KC Scribe LD.

    "Schools also vanished. Many have closed over the years. A tipping point seemed to have occurred in 2010 when the district closed almost half its schools. Some have been sold, others are on the market. But as the schools closed, a lot of the neighborhoods suffered."

    Lemme tell ya something pal. Those fuckin "Nieghborhoods" are war zones that are more dangerous than a stroll through the HIndu Kush on Ramadan wrapped ina fuckin American Flag.

    Here is why.

    African Americans will not take responsibilty for raising, feeding or sustaining themselves or their children or themselves.

    That, in and of itself, is a disgrace, but could be worked out reasonably.

    However, teh rampant violence, ignorance and assignment of blame for the exact conditions mentioned to ANYFUCKINBODY but the folks who actually create these conditions, is cellularly buittl inot the African American psyche from birth by the Federal Government, Hollywood, the 4th Estate and liberals who seek the coin of the realm and power through malfeasance and treahaery.

    Lemme sum it up for ya Louis, it ain't fuckin "WHITE" people's fault, it is BLACK PEOPLE'S fault and everyone is sick of your fuckin bullshit.

  9. 7:20 a.m. right on right on.

  10. The wonder of it all is that there hasn't been civil disorder yet. When I go into the supermarket, I marvel at the price of things: a single onion for a dollar, four bucks for a jar of jam, five bucks for a box of Cheerios, four bucks for a wedge of cheese. Is everybody except Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, and Mark Zuckerberg living on store-brand macaroni and ketchup? It's hard to measure the desperation of households in this culture of rugged individualism. At social gatherings friends rarely tell you that they are two months behind in their mortgage payment and maxed out on their credit cards. And that's the supposed middle class, at least the remnants of it. I can't tell you what the tattoo-and-falling-down-pants crowd talks about in the parking lot outside the 7-Eleven store. Perhaps they swap meth recipes.

  11. Track meet last week with inner city schools.

    Maybe Louis, people moved because of this.

  12. Totally agree with 8:09. It wasn't only whites that left but middle class blacks as well. But the issue of removing traffic lights and replacing them with four-way stops has nothing to do with white and middle class black flight. That is the result of poor planning combined with nonexistent communication with the public. As for why Lewis is still employed, well I suppose if he were let go he'd claim it was because of his race not his incompetence.

  13. Oh yeah, and if you do stand up to the onslaught of African American violence-PROTEST!!


    Check this.

  14. African American violence is UNDERREPORTED.

    The incessant violence is far worse than the media would have us believe.

  15. Conspiracy sites are driving Chuck crazy.

    There is no data in that report. Just supposition.

    Come back with the facts Chuck, don't just create fear.

  16. Went to a great "family" restaurant last night. They had a long table, full of blacks and a few blacks scattered around. Well, first they knocked over a table and thought it was hilarious, a few left without paying their bill and finally, one big ole fat NIGGER woman started bitching in a real loud voice about her family was disrespected with cold food. As much as I loved this restaurant, I doubt we'll return. Once again, NIGGERS HAVE RUINED A ONCE PROUD BUSINESS. Thanks NIGGERS!!!

    1. Liar that was Chucks mom

  17. Hey Lewis! You forgot to blame Bush.

  18. Chuck is a nigger,his drunk ass pops mammey was half white but got knocked up by a nigger. Ask fake ass not his real name Chuck to post his picture and his mom &dad's he won't do it. I know this fake coward and can longer let him bait people in with his racists comments and he sits back and laughs. Prior post when his Id was busted he stopped posting. nigger Chuck you are busted.

  19. Take Down The Libtard House Of The KC Communist Star1/7/13, 9:32 AM

    KC Star = Irrelevant

    KC Star Staff = Has Beens

    Ignore them and they will go away.

    Spend not one dime on their tripe.

    Destroy them economically.

  20. Chick Chuck is a yiutmr photo.

  21. 9:09

    The facts are posted.

    The videos, the news every day, 24/7, 365 is avaialble.

    The US Dept of Justice, the FBI Stats on crime, everything posted is verifiable.

    Why don't YOU post urls and commentary to disputemy findings. My opinion can be changed just with facts.

    9:30 I am of Norwegian descent.

  22. The racists sure got stirred up on this one! Hey idiots, Johnson County would be farmland if it weren't for white flight and the ensuing urban sprawl. That's just the reality of the situation. The fact that all you racists have your panties bunched up is evidence of why. You are afraid of people of color, and want your kids to go to all white schools. Are you really so intentionally ignorant that you can't accept that reality?

  23. 9:45

    Categorically incorrect.

    The violenct African American sub culture of stupidity, entitlement and failure is why whites flee when confronted with destruction and declining standards at every social and economic level.

    The "Dumbing Down" of all culture to this point, occurs when African American culture is present.

    It is not the color of the skin, it the content of, and lack of character.

    And you fuckin know it too.

  24. African American crime is UNDEREPORTED!

    1. Chuck is the only one that makes sense on here. He comes up with facts and the rest of you idiots have never lived around this black trash. Your day will come because whites will be the minority real soon. Does that mean we can bitch about everything that doesn't go our way. Would we get our own white colleges, magazine, tv shows, award shows, etc.? I applied for Grambling college and got turned down because I was white. Isn't that discrimination?

  25. Here's what I know Chuck.
    1. You are a racist idiot.
    2. The "Dumbing Down" of America seems to have hit your household especially hard.
    3. Denying white flight, be it over state line in the KC metro, or in other urban areas of the country, shows that you live in an alternate reality.
    4. You will now post 3-4 racist rants in reply to your racist rants.

  26. Who is the toothless white trash guy who comments on every post. His ignorance only highlights that he has far lower class than the group of people he is secretly infatuated with.

  27. It's Chuck's little brother.

  28. "Your a racist idiot."

    Your postion is untennable, your arguments non existant. Bereft of any logic, you resort to the "Racist" ad hominem insult.

    I don't blame you, it is all the ammo you have.

  29. Chuck quotes from only this thread:

    "African American crime is UNDEREPORTED!"

    "The violenct African American sub culture of stupidity, entitlement and failure is why whites flee..."

    "African Americans will not take responsibilty for raising, feeding or sustaining themselves or their children or themselves."

    Etc., etc. I realize that you think the fact that you don't say n****r like the other idiot means you aren't a racist. Problem is, Chucky, every comment you make, in this thread or in others, is based on racial fear, anger, and prejudice. You are a blatant racist. And you can't spell worth shit.

  30. Hey Louise, you forgot to mention that it was white people's fault at the Baton Rouge Mall incident over the weekend.

  31. Chuck cant spell.


    Thats it?

    No info in the light of facts, figures etc etc

    A poor spelling racist.

    Thats it?

    No surprises. Same old, u b a rayciss shit!


  32. 11:12

    You cant defeat the truth.

    You attack the messenger.

  33. Chuck nailed it in one simple sentence @ 9:53 am.
    "It is not in the color of the skin, it is the content of, and the lack of character."
    That pretty much covers all demographic bases in as much as any negative racial sub culture will foster decay, and eventually, the destruction of thier own neighborhoods, and possibly the entire surrounding communities.

  34. Every article Lewis Diuguid writes is about race, we Get, he is the token editorial black writer for The Kansas City Sta....but come on already constantly writing about racism only creates more division. How about this Lewis, do you have any solutions to the racial problems you are constantly writing about or can ALL you do as a writer is report about the racial problems? FIND solutions and use your position at The Kansas City Star to take action.

  35. Chuck is a nigger cause I am his brother,sister and sometimes his mother.

  36. Occupy Kansas City...

    LMFAO @ U!

    Bunch of idiots and tools.

  37. My point was that Chuck is a racist. I copied and pasted his racist remarks to prove my point. Feel free to peruse the other posts where he drops racist comment after comment, oftentimes 3 or 4 in a row. What other facts will you be needing? Or are you saying I didn't provide enough samples of his poor spelling?

  38. Liberalism Is A Disease1/7/13, 2:02 PM

    Speaking truth = Racism?

    Truth is truth.
    PC is dishonesty.

  39. The excessive racial comments on this website make all of us white people look like idiots. Sad to say, but it appears that most of us are. It seems we can't reply to any topic intelligently because our fear of black people (who have done nothing directly to us) always detracts from any legitimate response.

    Clear this mess up Tony. Your site is garbage now, due to the uneducated whites who make replies on here and make us all look like scum.

  40. ...done nothing directly to us.

    Yeah, right...

  41. 2:09 Sums it up pretty well. Almost every thread, regardless of original theme, ends up with a bunch of racist nonsense.

  42. Face it just because you can't retort to the facts does not make the writer or the poster of the facts a racist.

    The truth will always out shine the bullshit.

    Just too bad many would rather stay in the dark and jabber racism and bullshit.

    It's not uneducated whites doing the replying, its educated people who are tired of lazy ass whatever color people not stepping up and admitting they are the issue

    But blacks have a huge history of tearing up any place given to them to live in and then blaming the white man for forcing them to live as they say like animals so close together.

    Well guess what the Japanese have lived in small quarters all bunched up for hundreds of years and you don’t see them tearing everything up or trying to burn it down. Nope black people are just very hateful a lot of the time as they look to blame everyone else but themselves for their problems.

  43. Well, I actually linked to Mr. Diuguid's article and read it. I must say the following:
    1) First off, let's examine your title "Urban exodus strips city of too many stoplights"....please remember "exodus" refers to "leaving", so if people are leaving an area it would only be natural that they take their resources with them, right? Then we get to "too many"...well, immediately we're thrown into a discussion of "too many" in whose opinion?
    2) Mentioning "my predawn jogs" adds nothing to the story and serves only to stroke the writer's ego. Get over yourself.
    3) "If there had been red light cameras posted, the city could have collected a lot of $100 fines." There you go trying to further oppress the drivers in the urban core. Red light cameras are primarily about the city grabbing for more money, and it's NEVER enough!
    4) Regarding urban decay, "the change is impossible to miss in unkempt and boarded up property." Congratulations, your awesome powers of observation are unparalleled! Hey, let me try one....'if they can afford to, most people choose to live in nice safe neighborhoods with good schools for their children and convenient access to services.' Hey, I think I'm a genius! Is the KC Star hiring?

    Overall, I thought the article was jumbled, imprecise, and lacked a coherent strategy to deliver worthwhile information to the reader. I give it 1 star, out of 5 possible.

  44. No Superdope, the issue is you, Chucky, and the N-word guy going from thread to thread and making EVERYTHING about race. If you don't want to be called a racist, stop making every comment about race. Otherwise, deal with the fact that you are a racist:

    rac·ism [rey-siz-uh m]
    A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

    Sound familiar, douchebag?

  45. "When I moved to the Martin City area in 1989, State Line Road was mostly two lanes."

    Read more here:

    Louis, are you not guilty of "flight," as well?

  46. 3:55: This is about a column by Lewis Duiguid, who makes just about everything about race. I agree with 3:39 except for the one star, which is too high.

  47. 3:55

    Name calling.

    2nd grade playground remarks because you have no answer.

  48. TKC, if you had gone to a KC public school you might have a different perspective. I live in KC and love my neighborhood but I will home school my kid if I stay.

  49. quit linking to the Star. Can't read articles or look at their money generating advertisements if you don't pay

  50. I really don't care a bit if I'm called a racist. In fact, I'm quite proud of it. On the other hand, I DO detest NIGGERS and will do everything I can do, to make them uncomfortable when they're around humans. Yes, NIGGERS aren't human, they're a cancer on society, in so many, many ways.


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