Show-Me Prog Blog Predicting Political Decline Of Senator Hawley

A question for constant Kansas City news readers . . .

Remember Babs???

Barbara Shelly was a longtime op/ed writer for The Star. Now she's part-timing it at The Pitch and the local news cartel circuit. 

Whilst we admire her commitment to the keyboard . . . We're not sure her prediction will hold up over time . . . Check-it:

"Four years ago, Josh Hawley played a starring role in Donald Trump’s attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. He objected to certifying Joe Biden’s legitimate electoral victory and he encouraged insurrectionists outside of the U.S. Capitol with a fist pump that was captured in a viral photo.

"His actions were ignominious then, and I believe history will remember them that way. Hawley is proud of himself, however, and had the fist-pump photo engraved on coffee mugs.

"For this latest transition of power, the senator has had to settle for being just another Trump sycophant."

Read more via link . . .

Josh Hawley's moment in the spotlight may have peaked with the fist pump * Missouri Independent
