Full disclosure . . .
In the early days of this blog it was kinda neat to "earn" a few pieces of chicken and some free beers in exchange for favorable coverage . . . We never sought out the cowtown kickbacks and the offerings were usually forced upon TKC. The actual value was probably less than 20 bucks and that's before Biden-Era-Inflation hit so I don't feel guilty about it at all.
About a decade ago we lost interest in freebies because it's actually kind of insulting and local restaurants found it easier to fake a social media audiences rather than attempting to persuade poison keyboards with fried food and all manner of leftovers.
This trend was liberating because in the interim our blog community PROBABLY destroyed the biz of at least half a dozen local restaurants just by noting their political posturing that never flies outside of the smallish progressive Midtown bubble.
Anyhoo . . .
The game remains the same and so this note about locals clandestinely working for snacks captured our attention . . .
Christened the Influencer of the Year Award, the association asked the public to nominate their favorite influencers. More than 100 individuals were nominated. A committee then selected five finalists from the eligible nominees and voting was opened to the public. To be eligible, a nominee had to be unaffiliated with advertising or news outlets, focused on restaurants and creating content for at least six months.
Then the public was asked to vote . . . Meet all five finalists . . .
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
From Hashtags to Headlines: KC food influencers
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