Quick update on mobile push back that now has school board approval along with endorsement from administrators, teachers and most parents.
Some of the deets . . .
"For elementary students, the new policy states personal electronic devices should stay in backpacks or personal storage bins during the school day. If a backpack or bag is not available, devices should be left at home. All devices brought to school need to be silenced or set to “school” or “do not disturb” mode.
"For middle school students, personal electronic devices must be stored in the student’s locker or a spot designated by school administration during the school day. Students can access their devices at their lockers during the passing period. All devices should be placed on silent or “do not disturb” mode during school hours. Headphones and earbuds can only be used with school devices and with teachers approval to support learning."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Shawnee Mission School District approves changes to personal cell phone policy
In Monday's Board of Education meeting, principals at various schools spoke on how rules similar to this policy have already been implemented at their schools.
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