Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Demands $70 MILLION From Westport

Legal drama confronts Kansas City's historic entertainment district and a location that has proven problematic over recent years. 

To wit . . . 


These complaints are always kind of a long shot and at best they're settled out of court. 

The Westport Community Improvement District is more than capable of defending itself. HOWEVER, anybody who has been to Westport over the past few years can attest that, for better or worse, it's now the most diverse party district in KCMO. 

Moreover . . . The main point seems to be a busted job fair that seems more like MAYBE bad planning rather than discrimination.

One last thing . . .

Watch the clip all the way through and the alleged Westport "No Play" list resurfaces as the Beyoncé ban is argued as evidence of rampant racial discrimination -- Overlooking the very obvious fact that she hasn't released a decent song in more than a decade.

Either way and without trying to sway readers one way or another . . . 

An AI narrated video video gives voice to the allegations and, to its credit, provides a worthwhile interview . . . Here's a quote from the description and then the video embed . . . . Check-it: 

"Euphoric, LLC is suing the Westport Community Improvement District for its recent racial discrimination and illegal interference with the company's right to operate its business at the property that was formally known as Ale House . . .

"Because of the racial discrimination that occurred between the signing of the lease and the hiring event, Euphoric was locked out of the building and forced to hold its job fair outside on the street in front of the locked building.

"As Ale House, the establishment made $7 million per year in revenues. Euphoric signed a ten year lease, and is now suing for $70 million for lost wages plus an additional tens of millions for racial discrimination and public humiliation."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
