Typically . . .
Local student protests are conducted in the name of social justice or against perceived racial slights.
However the premise of this protest seems more noteworthy . . .
Students at Lincoln Prep advocate against alleged harassment mostly confronting female students.
For quite some time we've noted KCPS has a worsening problem with student violence.
But now . . .
Very brave female students are speaking up and going on record in an effort to stop the harassment directed their way.
Here's the word . . .
Lincoln College Preparatory Academy students ended their school day early to send a strong message about accountability for any perpetrators of sexual harassment.
In the last half hour of their classes, students filled the front lawn of the school with signs advocating for victims of sexual harassment.
They chanted "no means no" and "we will not be silenced" as their sophomore classmate, Lorraine, prepared to read demands to school administrators.
Lorraine read in front of the students, "We need a policy in KCPS that better backs up our victims. There are so many victims in this school. They need to be heard. We all need to be heard."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Lincoln College Preparatory Academy students walk out of school in protest of sexual harassment allegations
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