Kansas Crafts Prostitution Crackdown

Forgive our mixed feelings . . .

Legislation against trafficking and any illicit activity involving youngsters is welcomed and important for public health and safety.

However . . .

Look closely online and notice that most of the "content" revolves around the flesh trade amongst consenting adult which has lost virtually any stigma. 

From "sugar daddies" to "fan" sites . . . Selling online "love" is now commonplace.

And so . . . 

We understand that these new rules have the best of intentions and we support them.

But the reality is that the world's oldest profession is now an integral part of online commerce and nothing is going to change that any time soon.

Again . . .

This work remains important . . . 

"Legislation endorsed by Attorney General Kris Kobach and Shawnee County District Attorney Mike Kagay would also raise the minimum fine to $2,000. Elevating the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony on the first offense would move cases from municipal court to district court, where a more complete record could be made of plea bargains and diversion agreements."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas Senate bill makes buying sex a felony on first offense, elevates minimum fine * Kansas Reflector

Kansas Senate bill attempts to diminish demand for sex trafficking by making the crime of buying sex a felony on the first offense rather than the second.
