Kansas City 'Repair Cafe' Debuts

Our blog community always supports fixing things and locals taking control of their devices.

Here's a nice pastime and local tech work . . . 

A repair cafe brings together volunteers with experience fixing things—anything from bikes to computers to clothing to household electronics together—with community members to help them fix their stuff. It’s a simple concept that first started in the Netherlands about 15 years ago. Now, similar events are regularly hosted throughout the European Union and beginning to catch on in the United States, says Re.Use.Full founder and CEO Leslie Scott.

“I think there is a desire for people to think about how to live more sustainably and their consumer choices are certainly playing into that,” Scott said. “If they can have something repaired rather than having to throw it away and take space in the landfill, they will.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

MCT: Big turnout of volunteers, participants, make first KCMO Repair Cafe a success
