Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom Politely Ignores Football Haterz

Just our local take . . .

Kansas City isn't Boston . . . NFL fans looking for a fight were in luck when they argues with Patriots fans because that town is accustomed to a great deal of open confrontation.

Things work differently in the Midwest and the mindset is something that seems to be proving difficult for trolls to confront.

Real Kansas City residents know that freezing people out is the most cruel tactic to deploy against any opponent. 

Arguments are engagement, they let people know that you care about their opinion. 

In Kansas City . . . Locals know that denying the very existence of haterz proves both effective and allows fans to focus on more productive and enjoyable aspects of the game. This aspect of cowtown culture might be the very best thing that we're sharing with the rest of the nation and something that local newsies might not have time to share . . . Check-it . . .

The Kansas City Chiefs’ success, claims of referee favoritism, and fan fatigue are some of the reasons why some people despise them.

Expect this negative sentiment to increase even further if the Chiefs pull off the “three-peat” (winning three straight Super Bowls). This is very similar to how fans felt about the Tom Brady-led New England Patriots during their run.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Chiefs Fatigue? Why does everyone hate the Chiefs?

The Kansas City Chiefs' success, claims of referee favoritism, and fan fatigue are some of the reasons why some people despise them.
