A local entrepreneur works to quiet critics by taking away the main complaint about the trendy sport:
It's too loud.
Here's an update on his motivation and more info on the progress of new racket tech under development:
“Haters are going to hate. There’s one group that has spun up to essentially kill outdoor pickleball nationally because of the noise issues,” he said. “So we do have some headwinds in the market. These people say that no products work and that the only way to solve the problem is to shut down the courts or move them into parts of rural America that are completely inaccessible.”
“We think that the community benefit and the health benefit for our citizens far outweighs the risk to homeowners’ peaceful enjoyment of their neighborhoods,” he continued. “Because there are enough noise mitigation products and services in the market today to really, really make a meaningful dent in the perception of the noise on court.”
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
KC startup founder pivots into pickleball haters' biggest complaint, eliminating court noise
SLN/CR is serving the sweet sound of silence to neighbors of outdoor pickleball courts, said Eliot Arnold, a serial entrepreneur-turned avid pickleball player who's taking a swing at the source of critics' irritation.
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