Special thanks to BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS for sharing this update because quite a few denizens of our blog community wanted to know more about how they might honor the late, great local power player . . . Here's a bit of description and more info . . .
"His name was fitting. He was always "of service" to our community. He had a passion for our town, and he became a crucial part of its development through his work during two terms on the City Council (1975-1983), as a member of city boards (including chair of the City Plan Commission), and as chief of staff for Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes in the early 2000s. Of course, Joe's imprint on our city was made in areas far beyond elected office. He was a successful entrepreneur, owning the Uptown Theatre, a Budweiser beer distributorship and several bars and restaurants throughout midtown Kansas City. "
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
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