It's Friday . . . Indulge a TKC theory . . .
Anti-pr0n crusades will ultimately FAIL the GOP because taking away people's smut is essentially an unpopular and Un-American move. Fanatics, disgustingly, throw youngsters into the mix to confuse the issue when their real aim is to stop consenting adults from doing some very nasty things that consenting adults often do for fun and on camera.
More to the point . . .
The genie is out of the bottle and Americans have now seen too much pr0n to just snatch away access. Also, behind the scenes the GOP watches as many dirty movies and engages in just as much sketchy online behavior as anyone else.
Example . . .
Remember not so long ago there were many fascinating and some satirical stories about Gridr LGBT dating app use during this year's GOP convention.
Maybe more importantly . . .
There's also the nearly impossible problem of defining obscenity. One man's filth is another's freedom of expression.
And just to prove the ubiquity of the pr0n game . . . Just about every TKC reader not only knows the "work" of hottie Angela seen in the fair use top photo but also the company that contracts her many "talents" online.
In the end (ouch) all of this might be just another opportunity for the chattering class to moralize without affecting any real change . . . Here's how our friendly KC hipsters view the local connection to the topic:
"It shows that this case has national implications. has geo-blocked Kansas. Missouri is expected to be one of the next GOP-held states to adopt one-sided age verification laws in the upcoming legislative session. There are legitimate freedom of speech concerns."
Read more via link . . .
Opinion: Inspecting Kansas and Missouri power players at the heart of the far-right's porn censorship bid
Taking a look at how some of the newly established far-right anti-porn laws are actually impeding on First Amendment rights.
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