An excellent link suggestion from people much smarter than TKC . . . And whilst there's a lot to gripe about regarding local transportation . . . This is a rare opportunity to learn something.
"Few places have more microtransit experience than Kansas City, Missouri. In 2016, the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority became a pioneer when it partnered with Bridj, a now-defunct startup, to introduce on-demand shuttle trips. That experiment ended a year later, but it was quickly replaced by a similar app-based service called RideKC Freedom On Demand; now, Kansas Citians can request rides on IRIS, a microtransit program funded by local municipalities and managed by KCATA. Most IRIS fares are $3. (Since 2020, regular bus service in Kansas City has been free.)
"Meanwhile, public officials across the US and beyond continue jumping aboard the bandwagon . . ."
Read more via link . . .
Bloomberg: Kansas City Looks Back on its Long, Costly Ride With Microtransit
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