Kansas City Supports Urbavore Urban Farms

A showdown awaits and we dig deep into the newspaper to serve up one of their very few worthwhile editorials . . . Check-it:

"On Thursday, the City Council will weigh whether Urbavore’s elegant system (growing abundant food on soils replenished with composted food waste) should be allowed to continue through the approval of a master plan development rezoning. This should be an easy decision, considering the city approved our compost plans in 2021 — leading us to invest more than $400,000 in the build-out of the site and the purchase of our compost hauling business and necessary equipment. Furthermore, the vast majority of our Brown Estates neighbors support the farm, including most of the farm’s immediate neighbors. Yet a few vocal opponents have tipped the scales, casting doubt on that decision."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Don't let Kansas City shut down Urbavore Urban Farm. It turns trash into treasure | Opinion

The East Side farming and compost service turns food waste into rich soil, grows food crops and reduces the need for garbage in landfills.
