More Deets On Nelson-Atkins Museum Asking Kansas City For Money

Don't worry . . . This request is only for people who wear nice shoes and desire a bit of ego-stroking in exchange for their money.

The museum announced a two-stage competition to determine a winning team by spring of next year. With a $160-170 million budget, that team will dream up a 61,000-square-foot museum expansion, renovations to the existing Nelson-Atkins building, and improvements to the outdoor spaces.

Here’s a look at the three improvements Kansas Citians will see from the project.

Read more via link . . .

Nelson-Atkins Seeking Plans For New Building, Campus Renovation - IN Kansas City Magazine

The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art is looking for an architectural team to design an additional museum building and "create a campus that is even more seamless," the museum's CEO says. On Tuesday morning, the museum announced a two-stage competition to determine a winning team by spring of next year.
