A guide to an upcoming Missouri anti-climax . . . Conservatives plan legal action against what many predict as an impending defeat.
Here's an apt quote that has many locals up in arms . . . Check-it:
State Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, a Republican from Arnold, is among the anti-abortion activists who sued to keep Amendment 3 off the ballot. She said regardless of what happens in November, there’s a long road ahead.
“This is not the end all be all,” Coleman said. “And I think you will see efforts, win or lose, for Missourians to get another say in this.”
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Failed GOP attempt to keep abortion off Missouri ballot could foreshadow fight to come * Missouri Independent
While attempts to remove the abortion rights amendment from the ballot were rejected, they could foreshadow fights to come if Amendment 3 passes.
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