KC Defender Reporting On Metro High School Drama Can Quickly Become Problematic

Let's start this off simple . . .

We're not directing any undue criticism or hateration . . . But there's a trend in local media that deserves a bit of attention because our mainstream friends helped exacerbate the situation. 

Context . . .

Not so long ago the KC Defender was the toast of local media and their leader garnered high praise from national outlets and also enjoyed acceptance from local elite with KCUR regularly platforming some of their content. 

And then . . . 

Racially charged rumors about a racist serial killer from a "hyperbolic" local preacher caused a bit of doubt about their credibility. 

To be fair . . . Serial killer coverage is a part of the local news scene given this cowtown's history of deadly criminality. Even Piers Morgan somewhat recently did a great interview with the KC Strangler.

However . . . 

Progressives turned on the racially charged animus of the blog when metro police were forced to repeatedly push back against online rumors about a racist serial killer.

Again . . . In fairness . . . There is a creeper suspected murderer on trial but the deets of his alleged misdeeds are way more "complex" than just racial hatred . . . 

Even TKC had to wince when no less than NPR called out the founder of The KC Defender in this passage: 

"The boy who cried wolf and the risks of getting it wrong"


That's smarts . . . All TKC ever had to deal with was Dave Helling resenting that my writing has always been more plucky and fun than his offerings AND debating me on minor tax code deets. 

But I digress . . . 

The main point is simple and we apologize for so much context . . . 

The latest report from The KC Defender takes on racially charged drama in Park Hill High School. 

While we're sure their heart is in the right place and they likely want to advance social justice and stand against racism . . . There's a great deal of hearsay, some bombastic quotes and what seems like far too much of adults delving into the social lives of local high schoolers.

And that's the problem . . .

It's doubtful that Kansas City needs more journalism by adults on the lives of high school students. 

That's merely our opinion . . . We realize that the testimony of young people can be valuable when it's reported properly, with parental or guardian supervision and the all of the proper protections. 

More context . . . Not too long ago our blog community noted local student suicides trending and had a couple of parents send us angry social media replies . . . But we made clear that our info came by way of teachers, former elected officials and administrators and we openly advised a couple of older students (Seniors) who reached out to us that we didn't want to talk to them about the topic because that didn't really feel like responsible blogging/journalism . . . After all . . . This blog is at it's best when we're talking dirty local politics, fart jokes and sharing Insta-cheesecake that's certainly sophomoric but at the college level at least. 

As for the Defender's report . . . A lot of it just seems like it's reporting on name-calling an not part of any serious investigation. 

We raise this point so that our colleagues can help upstart newsies AVOID trouble . . . And maybe offer helpful advice and direction. 

When www.TonysKansasCity.com first started we were forced to find our own path and there were only a few gracious souls willing to help . . . And so, to try and return the favor even if our advice is probably unwanted . . . It's merely our concern that adults reporting/blogging on the lives young people might not be what this town REALLY needs even if mobile apps and so much social media chatter tell us otherwise.

Again . . . This is just our opinion and we hope that it helps everyone avoid any complications.

Developing . . .
