Clay Chastain Vows Return To Kansas City

An interesting way to start #TBT here at our blog community.

Check the latest update from update from a longstanding transit petition activist who now plans on a triumphant return to local politics despite losing the last Mayoral election by about 80 points.

Clay Chastain Press Release: Chastain readies himself to live in Kansas City, once again, to rally the people against the entrenched elitist & their entrenched extremist Mayor who have entombed Kansas City in corruption, crime and hopelessness.

For the past 20-years I have tried to fix Kansas City from afar. I do not blame the people for being put off by that. Now that my daughter is enrolled in college, I am free to return to the City I love, turn aside its grief and recapture its greatness.

Though always humble before God, I am super confident that I have (above most others) the integrity, intelligence and vision to be the kind of effective leader Kansas City has never had. It will take such a sincere, trustworthy and renaissance-kind of individual to turn around our crime-ridden, woke-controlled & stalled out City.  It will take such a determined leader to stand up to those who rule without transparency and who have ridden our City's fall to their advantage. It will take such a leader to uplift the spirits of the people, enact great changes and give them hope for a better Kansas City to come.

For too long I have been standing on one leg in trying to move Kansas City forward. Now, I am poised to stand on both legs.  With both legs firmly rooted in my home town of Kansas City, Missouri.

Kansas City Activist, Clay Chastain


Developing . . .
