TB Outbreak Persists In The Dotte

Local medical update regarding one of many contagious diseases in the urban core that officials are working to treat, heal and prevent.


In response to questions from the Kansas News Service about the outbreak, a spokesperson for KDHE confirmed there have been 49 recorded cases of tuberculosis in Wyandotte County since the start of the year. She said the federal government had recorded 46 cases in all of Kansas last year.

There are an additional seven confirmed cases this year in neighboring Johnson County.

Overall, 75 people statewide have been treated this year for the lung disease and two people have died. Officials say the disease requires consistent contact to spread.

“There is a very low risk of infection to the general public in these communities,” KDHE Communications Director Jill Bronaugh told the Kansas News Service in an email.

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A Kansas tuberculosis outbreak has infected dozens of people in Wyandotte County so far

Health officials have confirmed almost 50 cases of tuberculosis in Wyandotte County, more than in all of Kansas last year. But the public risk remains low.
