Show-Me Guv Parson Lashing Out At SecState Ashcroft Over Legal Cannabis Dispute

GOP division flare up after the primary and this Republican public battle offers us a peek at the lack of unity that MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT open up an opportunity for the Missouri Democrats to waste.

Check-it . .  .

In early August, Parson announced Executive Order 24-10, prohibiting sales of foods that contain psychoactive cannabis compounds unless they come from approved sources. The order also bars the sale of psychoactive cannabis products from stores with liquor licenses, according to Parson's office.

In a news release, Parson accuses Ashcroft of "[sitting] idly by and not [protecting] Missouri children from harmful cannabis infused products."

"By refusing to grant emergency rules to ban the sale of unregulated psychoactive cannabis products, especially to children, Secretary Ashcroft is choosing personal vendetta and unregulated, dangerous products over the health and safety of Missouri kids," Parson said in the release.

Read more via link . . .

Gov. Parson rebukes Ashcroft over failure to sign off on cannabis products order

Parson's office says Secretary of State Ashcroft is "choosing personal vendetta" on the issue.
