Kansas City Police Deploy 'Stop Sticks' Against Illegal Sideshows

Context for those who don't know . . . 

A spike strip (also referred to as a spike belt, road spikes, traffic spikes, tire shredders, stingers, stop sticks, by the trademark Stinger or formally known as a Tire Deflation Device or TDD) is a device or incident weapon used to impede or stop the movement of wheeled vehicles by puncturing their tires. 

And so, tonight locals might be encouraged by more "aggressive" enforcement against illicit local drivers. 

Take a peek . . .

More deets here . . .

Officers stopped three vehicles and issued 20 citations near Martin Luther King Boulevard and Rockhill Road Sunday night.

The department said other officers conducted similar sweeps in other areas of Kansas City.

The citations come after weeks of complaints from people living across Kansas City.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City police cite dozens of people involved in illegal sideshows

Kansas City police cite more than 20 people involved in an illegal sideshow near Martin Luther King Boulevard and Rockhill Road Sunday.
