Kansas City Housing Crisis Worsens Amid THOUSANDS Of Vacant Lots

We're probably mixing metaphors here but . . . 

The contradiction of so much vacant land along with a desperate need for housing reminds us of a classic line from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner . . .

"Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink." 

The problem is twofold . . . 

Like it or not, across the nation there's basic lack of resources and lots of people who need housing but don't have the cash to pay for it.

But even worse . . . And what nobody will DARE mention . . .

Kansas City's ongoing problem of public safety hurts affordable housing options more than any other factor. 

People aren't going to live or build in an area where they don't feel safe. 

This is a fundamental fact of life that is always omitted from housing discussions and requires a far more complex solution than even more free money.

Of course, we're obliged to share a bit of info that backs up our perspective along with introducing the highlights of a recent conversation . . .

“We have almost 3,500 vacant lots in Kansas City, Missouri, 4,000 vacant lots in Kansas City, Kansas, and we need more incentives for small-scale developers, not-for-profts and rehabbers to fill those gaps,” Equitable Infill Development Initiative Founder Pat Jordan said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

More incentives, less red tape lead the way in affordable housing talks

The most recent data from the National Low Income Housing Coalition shows there is only a fraction of the affordable housing stock needed to meet the need in the Kansas City metro.
