Clay Chastain Promises Recall Petition Of Kansas City Mayor Q

A lot of locals don't know that Kansas City's most prolific petitioner and longtime light rail activist has been engaged in a court fight with City Hall for most of this year. 

We've done our best to keep up with his press releases . . .

Accordingly . . . 

Sent to and other local media . . . Here's a press release from Clay Chastain regarding his latest project focused on challenging 12th & Oak . . .

Clay Chastain press release: KC Activist Chastain announces 2-(simultaneous) Petition drives: (1) Construction of a rapid, elevated Monorail Sytem operating between Kansas City InternationalAirport & a new Regional Multimodal Transportation Center @ Union Station, et al (2) The recall of Mayor Quinton Lucas for Malfeasance of Public Office in that Lucas nor only ordered the City's security force to falsely arrest & falsely imprison his political opponent (without probable cause) in the 2023 Mayor's race, Lucas also abused the City's legal staff by ordering it to maliciously prosecute his political opponent (City Judge, Martina Peterson, aquitted Chastain of Lucas' false charge.

(1) The beautiful Monorail (1st propsed for KC almost 60-years ago to connect our distant  International Airport to Downtown) will catch up with history, connect the City & put KC back on top.

(2) Mayor Lucas refuses to apologize for trying to silence his political oponent and criminalize him (right before an election). In the absence of an apology, Lucas desrves to be held accountable for his malicious misconduct.  

KC Activist, Clay Chastain 


Developing . . .
