Kansas City Teachers Talk Survival

This interview is worth a look for so many locals who have teachers or prospective teachers in their family. 

Understanding the demands of the job is ESSENTIAL given that so many of us have a great deal of criticism for the school system overall.

Check the remarkable insight . . .

The three elementary teachers talked about the challenges they faced and what encourages them to stay in the field.

"The difference between a first-year teacher and a second-year teacher is that the second-year teacher knows everything is going to be OK," said Maggie Quinn, who teaches 3rd grade at the Academy for Integrated Arts.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

What Kansas City teachers learned from surviving their first year on the job

From student behavioral and emotional needs to longstanding issues with pay, teaching is challenging even in the best of circumstances. Three local elementary school teachers shared how they approached their recent first years, and how they plan to tackle the next.
