Kansas City Stays Losing Tech Hub Grants

Not so long ago . . . Many young people labored under the misconception that Kansas City was soon to become the Silicon Prairie of the Midwest. 

Whilst there has been a bit of recent progress in obtaining server farms sucking up a great deal of power in the Northland . . . In influx in jobs is a far different story.

Sadly, we "liberated" a few more deets about a recent tech FAIL from a local biz publication with a link to their story in full . . . 

"Kansas City missed out on a bid to secure tens of millions of federal dollars to bolster biologics and biomanufacturing in the region.

"The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Agency on Tuesday announced that a dozen designated Tech Hubs would split $504 million in grants. Kansas City was one of 31 regions designated in October to compete for the grants . . .

"Local officials said they will reapply in February for the next round of grants."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City gets an answer in bid to win millions as federal Tech Hub - Kansas City Business Journal

A huge local effort to chase tens of millions of dollars in federal money to build up biologics businesses in the Kansas City area got its answer Tuesday.
