Too Early To Celebrate Kansas City Progress Against Historic Homicide Count?!?



Sure, there are a few worthwhile efforts and this year "FOCUSED DETERRENCE" is the mantra from police.

Worthwhile people want these efforts to prove successful. 

But yeah, it's too early to start doing touchdown dances.

Here's a worthwhile summary . . 

"Last year was the deadliest year on record in Kansas City with 182 homicides. The vast majority of those were caused by shootings. However, homicides are down in 2024. According to the latest crime data, there have been 57 homicides in KCMO this year, compared to 76 a year ago."

Actually, that number climbed to 59 today but we get the point . . .

Read more via link . . .

Kansas City homicide numbers down in 2024 as Gun Violence Awareness Month begins

June is Gun Violence Awareness Month as people across the country try to reduce the harm firearms cause to society.
