Show-Me Faith Based FAIL Against Missouri Abortion Ban

This one is all kind of confusing . . .

So-called "Interfaith" groups in defense of abortion rights were behind legal action that was struck down because of terminology contained in Show-Me State law.

We linked this report earlier but it's hitting the news cycle again this evening on national networks.

The basics . . .

The groups sought a permanent injunction last year barring Missouri from enforcing its abortion law and a declaration that provisions violate the state Constitution.

One section of the statute at issue reads: “In recognition that Almighty God is the author of life, that all men and women are ‘endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life.’”

Judge Jason Sengheiser said in his ruling Friday that there is similar language in the preamble to the Missouri Constitution, which expresses “profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe.” The rest of the challenged provisions contain no explicit religious language, he said.

Read more via link . . .

Missouri abortion ban wasn't about lawmakers imposing religious beliefs, judge says

A Missouri judge has rejected the argument that lawmakers intended to "impose their religious beliefs on everyone" in the state when they passed a restrictive abortion ban
