Sharing Kansas City Advice For Riches

We've been talking about pride so it makes sense to delve into envy and its capitalistic expressions on local streets. 

But first a personal bloggy aside . . . 

Over the course of maintaining this online dump we've developed an important rule: Never trust ANYTHING people say about money.

That rule probably extends to a lot of other things as well . . . But we've found that the world's shortest complete sentence is also the world's safest: 


Caveat . . . 

We're ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN this attitude has cost us countless opportunities. 

However . . .

For love or money and because misfortune is merely a state of mind . . . We trust that a former lady friend who ended up marrying congressman and another even more exotic hottie who now has a PhD and is the boss of a polycule are likely much happier without having to endure the nearly pathological pessimism of Kansas City's 2nd favorite blogger. 

Nevertheless . . . We advise every online denizen to watch their wallet and take all manner of economic advice with a grain of salt. 

Accordingly . . .

Here are a lot of self-proclaimed rich people sharing their secrets to success on cowtown streets . . . 

"We interviewed wealthy people in varying industries all across Kansas City, Missouri. We visited fancy shopping centers in KC and asked people about the most amount of money they have made in a year as well as asking for their career/life advice."

Take a look via embed . . .
