Sewage Floods Johnson County Creek

The Golden Ghetto struggles to keep up with growing infrastructure demands amid continued growth. 

Here's a whiff the latest, stinky setback . . . 

A 21-inch line broke after being damaged by heavy rains, according to a news release from Johnson County Health and Environment.

Johnson County Wastewater is on the scene near West 81st Street and Nieman Road.

Workers are containing the flow of sewage into a creek and pumping the the sewage around the break and back into the sewer, according to the news release.

The health department cautions residents to have no contact with the creek water in this area until further notice.

Read more via link . . .

Public health advisory issued after sanitary sewer line break near West 81st Street and Nieman Road in Lenexa

The Johnson County Department of Health and Environment, along with Johnson County Wastewater, issued a public health advisory Wednesday after a large sanitary sewer line break in Lenexa.
