Sarah DeValkenaere Continues Fight To Free Imprisoned Husband

What we're witnessing is possibly one of the most impressive displays of loyalty, advocacy and commitment in Kansas City history.

Against all odds, court decisions and mainstream media sentiment, this lady persists and argues for her husband. 

Agree or disagree . . . Her perseverance can't be denied.

Her latest social media message, update and a link to a recent conversation . . .

"My husband Eric DeValkenaere should not have spent one single day in prison yet it’s day 250 for doing his job. I hope and pray this NEVER happens to another LEO in Missouri or anywhere for simply doing your job as you were trained to do."

Take a listen via link . . .

NPA Report: Jason Johnson & Sarah DeValkenaere

Join host Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) spokesperson for the National Police Association ( for interviews with law enforcement experts on their thoughts about the anti-police media, the crime crisis, and leadership.

Developing . . .
