Kansas City's TV Movie Fave 'The Day After' Well-Remembered

Apropos given that we seem to be moving closer to nuke war again without many locals noticing.

Here's better context and more info . . .

 “The Day After” brought discussion of nuclear war and the potential for disarmament to millions of people who viewed it, and became the rare film that “actually became historical text rather than vice versa,” wrote William Palmer, a Purdue University professor who discussed its impact in “Films of the Eighties: A Social History.”

“From its earliest frames, ‘The Day After’ sets out to remove the blinders from an uninvolved American populace,” Palmer wrote.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

This TV movie from the 1980s helped change the course of the Cold War. Here's how 'The Day After' got made | CNN

ABC's 1983 TV film shocked more than 100 million Americans with its graphic depiction of nuclear fallout. Censors and political interference nearly got in its way.
