Kansas City Progressive News Outlet Serves Cicada Eating Contradiction

To be blunt . . . 

KCUR is talking out of both sides of their mouth when it comes to eating bugs.

Two quotes prove this point . . .

First, here's a report that attempts to dispel the progressive one-world government conspiracy that will require us all to eat bugs and love our "polyamorous" wives as just as soon as they rinse off. 

"The phrase "I will not eat the bugs" would later resurface as part of a COVID-era conspiracy theory about government coercion, but it's difficult to pin down when it began. As COVID-19 swept across the world in early 2020 and governments imposed mandates on masks and upheld restrictions on social gatherings and travel, the conspiracy theory that global elites were seizing an opportunity — or even inventing an excuse — to exert more control over an unknowing population flourished, including by forcing them to eat insects."

Okay, we can deal with that . . . Fact checking is fun. 

But then this morning . . . 

Bugs are back on the menu according to this local foodie report . . .

"Eating insects is fairly common in many parts of the world, but generally unpopular in the United States. Yet the cicadas that arrived in the Midwest this spring — projected to be in the trillions — made them hard to ignore, especially for food pioneers."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Eating cicadas became a thing after the massive emergence. Will trying other insects follow?

Researchers and bug enthusiasts are cooking up cicadas as sweet snacks or pizza toppings this summer. Some hope cicadas will help entomophagy - the practice of eating insects - catch on.
