Kansas City Insider: Loose Talk Leads To Another EPIC Payout

Sadly, legal staff at city hall are ALWAYS losing arguments . . . This time around, legal trouble started with nasty chatter at the top levels of city hall.

Here at www.TonysKansasCity.com we keep it legal but offer an insider perspective on ANOTHER payout that probably helps political careers but will cost taxpayers dearly.


City Hall Payout

"City Hall is negotiating a $300,000 payout to one of its directors.  We're not going to say if it's someone still there or someone that left recently but the reason is the Mayor's office and Council want a personnel problem to go away.  

"It seems that a local politico made some racist remarks, and this person is tight with someone important on the 22nd or 29th floors. If the issue went to trial, it would not look good for everyone running for mayor or for Q's future cabinet position.

"We all know that everyone associated with Q's web aren't smart enough to keep their comments to themselves.  Heck, watch Channel 2 any day for the stupidity that comes out of the Council or appointed committees.  

"Now it appears that stupidity is going to cost taxpayers and Q and the Council don't want us to find out.

"What should concern everyone is the precedent it's going to set.  Basically anyone in a position of authority can say whatever they want and City Hall will sweep it under the rug hoping no one is paying attention."

Developing . . .
