Kansas City Forced To 'Fact Check' Unpopular Source Of Income Discrimination Ban

By "fact check" we mean justify with a slew of public relations quick quotes.

Moreover . . . 

One explanation we found most entertaining . . .

Myth: This ordinance will kill the rental market. 

Fact: Over 120 cities and 20 states nationwide have banned source of income discrimination. 

And yet . . .

There's no explanation that OVERWHELMING TREND IN RISING RENTS is due, in part, to so many housing providers exiting the market because this kind of draconian regulation makes it far too difficult to turn a profit.

Translation: The market always votes with its feet. 

Here's one more justification and more city hall hype that has been politely overlooked . . .

Myth: This ordinance forces landlords to accept all vouchers, regardless of the amount of the voucher, and require landlords to rent to tenants who can’t cover the full cost of rent.

Fact: This ordinance does not force anyone to do anything. It does not require landlords to accept vouchers that do not cover the total amount of rent. This ordinance prohibits landlords from using a tenant’s lawful source of income as the sole basis for rejecting their application. If a tenant meets all of a landlord’s screening criteria, including the ability to pay the full rent, the landlord cannot reject them because of the lawful source of their rent money.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KCMO Communications: Ban on Source of Income Discrimination
