Kansas City Faith Blogger Rediscovers Kindness In Hospital

First and foremost . . . 

This blog wants to wish the foremost scribe on faith & morals a speedy recovery given his recent disclosure of a hospital stay.

Actually . . .

It seems like he's already moving quickly on the road to recovery given his latest, thought provoking post on the topic of humanity & compassion amid election season. 

Here's an apt quote and a link to the inspiring post . . .

"We are in a distressing and nasty political season full of invective, lies, damned lies and statistics. The instinct of some of our so-called leaders seems to be to reduce others to inhuman tools of Satan. Some days it's not just disappointing, it's shocking and appalling. And, in that atmosphere, we may begin to assume that this ferociousness affects everyone, especially if we pay attention to social media.

"It does not. There still are people who know how to value others, even if they disagree with those others. There still are people who seem to wake up every day wanting to give themselves in service to others. Not all such people are in the medical field, but that's where I most recently experienced them."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Faith Matters Blog: In a divisive time, I celebrate resilient human goodness
