Here's How Kansas City Slavery Reparations SCAM East Side Residents

First let's face facts . . . 

The vast majority of Americans are opposed to reparations for slavery in the form of cash payouts. 

 To be fair and accurate . . . 

We must note that 77% of Black adults agree that some form of reparations should be granted to the descendants of slaves. 

It's also important to note that number doesn't include much support for cash payouts and usually involves some reasonable form of accommodation or even something as slight as an appreciation for diversity in hiring and not even as much as an outright quota. 

For the record . . . MOST reasonable people agree the slavery was an abhorrent American institution. 

However . . . 

All of this doesn't really apply to the way that the Kansas City's "Mayor's Commission On Reparations" really works. 

Here's a clue . . .


A recent "report" by the Star offers philosophical ideas but not any practical info like this:

Already Mayor Q has pledged $500K to his commish on reparations with more cash on the way.

The cash is paid out to venues, speakers, facilitators and so many sociology majors without much benefit to the rest of the community. 

And so . . . 

Here are TKC we aren't dismissing the idea of reparations but only seek to show our blog community how it REALLY WORKS as it's pushed forward by so many elected officials who claim they represent ALL of the residents on the East side of town . . .

So far, in Kansas City reparations for slavery are paid by way of political affiliation that leaves most Black residents without any benefit. TKC FACT CHECK: If you haven't earned a check from this political flex already, its unlikely you ever will.

Of course, here's a more optimistic view . . .

The ordinance to establish Kansas City’s commission was written with the help of the KC Reparations Coalition. The legislation included a list from a local 2016 disparity study, which found:

White-owned firms were awarded 86% of $1.97 billion in local contracts. Black-owned firms were awarded 7%.

ZIP code 64128, which is predominantly Black, has the city’s lowest life expectancy at 68.1 years. ZIP code 64113, which is predominantly white, has the highest life expectancy at 86.3 years.

More than 75% of white residents are homeowners. Fewer than 45% of Black residents are homeowners.

The median household net worth of white families is $188,200 and the median net worth of Black families is $24,100.

In 2020, Black drivers were 23% more likely to be stopped by the Kansas City Police Department than white drivers.

The ordinance reads, in part: “The City of Kansas City’s past actions to support and defend the institution of slavery and segregation era human rights violations has led to substantial disparities in wealth, health, homeownership, criminal justice and educational outcomes for Black Kansas Citians as compared to non-Black Kansas Citians.”

Despite all this action, it doesn’t appear that Kansas City will move quickly with its own reparations program, especially now.

Read more via link . . .

It might not be the time for reparations in KC, but we need to talk about our history | Opinion

From business opportunities to life expectancy to traffic stops, the disparities between Black and white Kansas Citians are staggering. From Yvette Walker:
