Cowtown Basement Sewage Crisis Worsened By Recent Haxxorz Attack

They say that "sh*t rolls downhill" which is an axiom that holds up and often applies to locals on the losing end of city hall security FAIL . . . Here's the basics:

She says she filed the claim but it was marked ‘resolved’ within minutes of being assigned to an investigator.

This was around the time of Kansas City’s described “network outage” and online/email communications were limited.

A spokesperson for the city said the outage, which began on May 4, did not impact KC Water’s response to this resident.

The homeowner, however, said it took multiple trips to city hall to connect with someone who could answer her questions.

Read more via link . . .

Flooded with sewage, KC resident describes 'runaround' with city for answers

Sewage flooded basement, three words no homeowner wants to hear much less pay for the clean-up.
