Celebrate Kansas City Pride Church

This report offers a very kind view of what could be a branding dispute . . . 

What viewers should know is that the "independent" REALLY means  . . . In no way affiliated with the Catholic Church.

Still, given that most Catholics pick & choose what rules they're going to honor & obey anyhoo . . . We offer the news item without judgement and only as an example as the local discourse this month:

"Christ the King Independent Catholic Church in Kansas City, Missouri's Westside practices Catholicism and opens its doors to LGBTQ+ and divorced Kansas Citians. "

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

'We welcome all people': Independent Catholic church welcomes LGBTQ+, divorced Kansas Citians

Christ the King Independent Catholic Church in Kansas City, Missouri's Westside neighborhood practices Catholicism and opens its doors to LGBTQ+ and divorced Kansas Citians.
